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Life Is A Journey… And You Are Your Trusted Leader!

Life Is A Journey… And You Are Your Trusted Leader!

I recently had the honor of being asked to share "one" important lesson that I have learned in my +20 years in the multifamily industry…and what a challenge!  I was challenged to distill all that I wanted to share into one thought.  Then it occurred to me that there is an overall theme!  It’s this: You are the leader of your life and your life is more fulfilling when you ‘know that you have within you everything you need to succeed’

What do I mean by this you might be thinking?  Well, when you trust within yourself your fears are quelled so your passion and your energetic enthusiasm can show up.  When you trust within yourself...right now in this very minute...you DO know the best choices to make and the best actions to take. Your confidence blossoms and making those decisions and taking risks becomes so much easier. You are able to be your BEST self and you often also inspire others their best! What a fulfilling way to work and live life.

Never before has it been so important to regain the Trusted Leader within yourself!  To assist you on your journey, here you have Terri's Top "ABC's of Life" - ideas to assist you in being the Trusted Leader of your life so you can fully enjoy the journey!

Let’s start....


AUTHENTICITY and a willingness to be vulnerable are essential for a meaningful life.  Determine what is important to you and who you want to become. Trust yourself and then go for it!


BELIEVE in yourself…if you don't why should anyone else?  If you don’t fully believe in yourself, review your beliefs to see if they serve you...or if it’s time to unwire and rewire some new ones.  It’s your beliefs that determine your thoughts, feelings and actions. 


CHANGE is constant in life.  It can be overwhelming or it can provide an opportunity to create and grow.  An opportunity for change lives in challenge (pun intended).  Learn how to accept it and thrive on it. 


DEVELOP your skills.  Continually invest in yourself through: classes, a mentor, seminars, books, podcasts, etc. Learning has never been easer with Google and YouTube at your fingertips. Become a life long learner.


ENTHUSIASM can be nurtured with every breath you take!  Practice being mindful of your energy levels throughout the day. Your level of enthusiasm will indicate whether your activities are energy draining or enhancing. Choose enhancing!  


FEELINGS are your internal indicators.  Have you ever gone against your gut feeling? Bet you don’t want to do that again! Learn how to use your feelings as your internal GPS. 


GENEROSITY of yourself. Your attractor factor soars when you sincerely serve others and give from your heart. Life is about being of generous service. 


HONESTY is always the best and only policy.  Period. 


INDIVIDUALIZE yourself.  Be known for something, become masterful in your chosen area and abundance will come to you.  Mastery takes 10,000 hours...so keep practicing to be your best. 


JUDGEMENT is a quality to develop.  Learn to trust your instincts and good judgment.  This does not mean being judgmental of yourself or others. 


KINDNESS, appreciation and recognition lets those around you feel valuable, too.  It’s a win-win for the giver and receiver. No one is feeling too much kindness and appreciation.  Start paying-it-forward today. 


LIMITS are self-imposed. This is reality as you are truly limitless. What you believe, you can achieve! Break free of your self imposed ceilings or limits. 


MIRACLES happen on a daily basis.  Believe in them and you will see them.  Often called miracles, coincidences or synchronicity. SynchroDestiny...is a process of allowing these occurrences to lead you toward your best future.


NO is a multipurpose word. In sales it means more information is needed. In life, use it to set boundaries for yourself so others know what is acceptable to you.


OPENNESS and receptivity enables you to develop and grow.  An open mind is a receptacle to be filled with new possibilities and adventures in life. Create spacious openness in your mind.  


PRIORITIZE and then focus on what’s most important.  This includes in both your personal and professional interests!  Remember to ‘do it, delegate it, delete it, or dump it’!


QUALITY is in the eye of the beholder.  Ensure that everything you do, say and touch is consistent with your quality standards. It’s how you develop your reputation as the leader of your life. 


RESULTS are the measurement of your actions.  Focus on specific, desired results…and then deliver with your creative forward-focused solutions.


SIMPLIFY and lighten up your life.  There is a tendency to complicate needlessly. Eliminate something right now and feel lighter!


TRUST and have faith in yourself. Trust at your very center that no matter what happens...every aspect of life serves you in some way or it wouldn’t be here.  Trust that there is an ‘inner prize’ for you in everything. 


UTILIZE the tools you have and the support of those around you.  Never believe that you have to "go it alone".  Ask and you will receive - guaranteed - and if you don't ask it's 99% certain that you won't get what you want.


VOLUME has dual meaning.  It can be quantity or level of sound. You will have more fun when you turn up the volume on the loving aspects in your life! Love yourself and others even more. 


WILLINGLY share of yourself.  True happiness is found in giving.  Don't be stingy.  Give away your smiles and happy thoughts with every passerby.


eXCITEMENT for living a full life!  You have a choice of how you journey through life.  Find and share what brings you joy and happiness. Let your excitement bubble up and be contagious! 


YOU are special...in a delightful way. You are perfect exactly as you are....nothing to fix as you are not broken.  Sure you may want to develop further in some ways, yet always celebrate the unique YOU! 


ZEALOUS approach to life.  Discover your passions and have fun along your way. You deserve and are worthy of being a champion in your life!


There you have it!  Insights and philosophy to reclaim your inner trust throughout the twists & turns, ups & downs, challenges & opportunities.  Life is a journey to be enjoyed not a process to get through!  There is no where to get to in a rush and you cannot get it wrong.  Know that you are your own Trusted Leader and you already have everything you need within you.  So right now, relax and have more fun on the journey called Life!

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I love this, Terri!! And the journey to be authentically myself was and remains my great challenge in my life. Yet I find everytime I take steps of faith and embrace who I am created to be, I find the path widening and the journey becomes so much more fulfilling. Thanks for sharing!

  Rommel Anacan
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Rommel, so well said! I too have found this to be my Truth. I'm happy that our paths have crossed on the journey.

  Terri Norvell

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