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The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Maintenance Supervisors

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Maintenance Supervisors

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Maintenance Supervisors

I have the honor of working with numerous Super Stars in apartment Maintenance.  They certainly had technical skills, but what made them successful were these 7 Habits I’ve observed consistently in the best of the best Maintenance Supervisors:

1.They pick up trash. When we walk a property, Juan stops if he sees that trash has fallen during the day.  I do it too. He’s not “too good” to take time for the small stuff. I admit the antenna go up when I walk with staff and they pass the trash and don’t reach down for it. I try to set an example, picking up as I go along, and respect those who do as well.

2.They do more than is on the service ticket. Mark has a couple of standard items that he and his team check every time they perform a service request. They check faucets for leaks, test the smoke detector, and check for running toilets, as well as spotting obvious problems, like worn weatherstripping.  There may be more, but these are standard items.  It saves the property money, keeps the resident safe, and demonstrates caring to the customer.  In the long run, Mark’s job is easier on the turn, since he’s taken care of problems each time he enters the apartment.  

3.They communicate with residents. Marvin and his team speak to the residents they pass, leave behind information about repairs in their homes, and will make phone calls or home visits when a resident has a question about his or her repairs, or how something works.  

4.They see themselves as “a part” of the Office/Leasing Team, rather than “apart” from that team. More than once I’ve seen Scott introduce himself to a prospect that was in the office, or when he encountered them on a property tour.  

5.They tattle on the residents.  Over the years Tony has pointed out more than one concern about potential hoarding, housekeeping issues, over-occupancy, indoor pot farms, unreported pets, and more.  He doesn’t close his eyes to issues that could become costly or dangerous, but takes an interest in resolving them. 

6.They mentor and share “how to” with their staff. Shane doesn’t “hoard” his expert skills, but works one-on-one with less skilled team members, sharing knowledge without belittling, and building strong teams, even on “sister” properties.  

7.They build up the whole team. It would be easy for the Maintenance Supervisor to participate in gossip, criticize the property manager or company, or just ignore strife and go about his or her work.  Mark recently went through a prolonged property sale, listening to co-workers’ job fears and speculation.  Instead of feeding those fears, he encouraged his co-workers, discussed concerns with the Property Manager, and they as a team kept morale and property operations at strong levels.  

Technical maintenance skills are important, but technical skills are more easily taught to people who have the right habits and overall care for the team, the residents and the property.  These 7 Habits are what I see as setting the most successful Maintenance Supervisors apart from the pack. What habits would you add?


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Love this list! I think habit number one is actually one of the most important for property managers, too, like you alluded to - It sends such a strong message to the team when a manager bends down and picks up trash when walking through the property, rather than assuming maintenance will get to it.

  Brent Williams
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Thank you for the feedback, Brent! You are right about everyone, including the Manager, picking up the trash! It even sets the right example for residents who care about where they live!

  Mary Gwyn
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Agreed, PMs need to get in on #1 as much as any other team member! It shows the team we're invested in the property, and shows residents we care about their community.

I'm blessed with a Maintenance Lead who does all these things and more. One thing I'd add is that they are always learning: my Lead is always seeking out opportunities to expand his own knowledge and skill sets, and watching him grow is an absolute pleasure. His growth helps our full team growth!

  Khara House
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Great comments! Wish all Maintenance Leads were like yours! We all need to be continually learning! Sounds like your leadership helps foster that environment. Keep it up!

  Mary Gwyn

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