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The "BedBugs" topic now has my attention - the bloodsuckers infested a Victoria's Secret store!!

The "BedBugs" topic now has my attention - the bloodsuckers infested a Victoria's Secret store!!

"Forget about fictional, glitter-skinned teen vampires. You’re far more likely to have your blood sucked by bed bugs." So says Lynn Bruno, of MSNBC.com.


The story captured my attention when I was listening to the news this morning, and my interest was piqued because I've chuckled every time I've seen  a reference to "BedBugs" in property management. I know this is not my usual topic, but wow...Victoria's Secret has bedbugs? That's just freaky and thought it would spark some interesting chatter on the matter..

Check this out..."Despite several widely reported closures of retail stores and office buildings in New York City, infestations are still far more common in apartments and condominiums, single-family homes and hotels and motels. They're also turning up in some surprising places, such as public transit, laundromats and movie theaters."

The article talks about how the sneaky critters are spreading so rapidly across the United States that almost no region or area is unbitten. The article researcher talks about the amazing number of people who think that the bed-bug hype is some kind of folklore. Not true.

As multifamily property managers...do you guys have BedBugs stories? Please, share...not the bedbugs, just the stories.

Read on.

Man...now I'm itching to take a shower.


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Contact the Orkinman to solve all of your Bed Bug Problems.
Orkin is on the front line protecting your facilities from Bed Bugs and other unwanted pest.
Please contact me for more information regarding these pest and many others.

  David Cochran
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Love it. Thanks for dropping in.

  Tamela Coval
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A month or so ago on GreenLandlady.com we wrote a long piece on bedbugs with pictures for the "Ewwwwww" factor. However, now that I have had time to contemplate why this crazy infestation is spreading across the country, I realize the big issue is 'shame'. People feel so disgusted that they are embarrassed to get them eradicated before they are embedded in furniture, crevices behind light plates, etc.

Just like previous generations had to deal with these critters, human lice and human fleas (yes!), we need to accept they have become part of life for those who interact with society on any level. Obviously the DDT solution used in the past did not eradicate them, but only made them stronger.

Bed bugs are like little hitchhikers. They can be found in public bathrooms, on buses, in offices, gyms, campground cabins and expensive hotel rooms. We are their host and the adults can live for up to a year without food. The only way to combat this is for people to immediately notify their property manager when they discover the problem! Managers also need to react in a positive way - thank the resident for bringing this to your attention and get on it post haste - so that word gets around that you are not interested in blaming anyone, just getting rid of the creatures.

It may also be comforting to note for managers and residents that bed bugs are not like roaches that appear/are attracted because of housekeeping issues. You can be immaculate and still bring one pregnant female home, and that's enough. Clutter and messiness, however, do make it easier for them to find hiding places during the day. If you're interested, you can see pictures of all stages of the bed bug read our article at: http://greenlandlady.com/site/business/bed-bugs-101/

I talk big, of course, but I'm scratching right along with you.:)

  Elizabeth Madrigal
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Chuckle, I had stopped scratching and then, while eating my taco salad, I was reading my July 2010 Units magazine, turned to page 20 and lo and behold there in all it's glory is a thumb-sized bedbug accompanying the story that discusses the NAA Lease Program Bedbug language changes.

Several addenda are now included in the National Apartment Association's (NAA) Lease form to address the issue. The Inventory and Condition form now requires residents to acknowledge upon move-in that the apartment is bedbug-free.

There have also been changes in the Community Policies requiring residents to notify owners if an infestation occurs. Quoting the Units article, "No property owner can ensure against an infestation. Bedbugs are equal opportunity offenders attacking Class A and D properties alike. Owners will minimize legal exposure by having a system in place to handle complaints." :'(

Vist http://www.naahq.org and type in bedbugs for more info. Oh man...this whole issue makes me squirm!

  Tamela Coval
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You HAVE caught my attention - Vicky's OMG.

There are no good bedbug stories, just horrifying ones.

I love your comment about them being "equal opportunity offenders." - SOOO true. I heard of bedbugs at a luxury senior site. The senior had bad eye site and reduced feeling in his/her body, so did not notice anything odd. Annual unit inspections to change out the air conditioners and check smoke detectors uncovered the little blood suckers. :-(

  Daisy Nguyen

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