Reply: "Property Management position has been hell and I’m putting in my 2 weeks"

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i have had some shit jobs and run under the bus also but nothing like you i got out out the Apartment industry i am a local state licensed contractor now in the HVAC field i feel for you all i can say is hold your head high and keep plugging away and get the hell out and use this to your benefit great luck to you in the near future
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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No they can't force you to stay. However you will have to move. Most management companies require employees to move out within seven days of ending employment. You should look at your company's policy on employee leases. Maybe you should go from there with your decision. Good Luck.
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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I've been in the industry for 20 years and that is not the norm.  Research different companies and don't give up on Property Management; yes you are going to have days from hell where you want to quit and you want to tell people where to go but the rewarding days certainly outnumber the bad.

There are also going to be good bosses and bosses that need some instruction on how to manage; I have bosses that need instruction.  I've learned to take it in stride but that took years and took plenty of threats to quit but overall I love my job and once I learned how to handle my bosses their inability to communicate and manage was just a thorn in my side that needs some neosporin
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
Though this industry is tough right now with everything going on in our world this is not the typical actions of a good Property Management Company. It sounds to me like you might need to research different companies to work for if you really think you would enjoy Property Management. If you don't think you would enjoy it then I would look into another avenue because you have to love Property Management to want to stay.
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
It is such a hard time in the industry! Hang in there!
Posted 2 years 7 months ago
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Found this on Reddit, and it spoke to me...

Posted 2 years 7 months ago