I have used them in the past, and I’m going to be rolling them out again now.
All of my experience experiences with them have been fantastic. Usually there is a small drop in late feet income. We were surprised how many people who usually are not late that elect to use the service as a convenience. It’s a great selling tool.
I like that offering flex is completely hands off. So much so that I have a client that we forgot we set up accounts with, checked a report to find out they paid about $30k/mo in rents on 250 units.
We signed up when we first started the company and set up automated reports for tenant directories to go to them. They market to the tenants and we never have to get involved. Our eviction rates are pretty low and it’s never anyone that used Flex
love it - we went from having to file about ten evictions a month down to two on average. overall late pays dropped dramatically. 9th of the month we had only $2K in rent outstanding.
Several members have reported favorable results from flex which is great to hear. We're looking for tools to help reduce delinquency for our properties in DFW. Anyone has seen favorable results from C class workforce housing properties in DFW? Any data on the reduction in delinquency rates would be helpful. Thank you.