Welcome to Multifamily Insiders! We are a place to share positive stories about working in the apartment industry. We do have a few guidelines that have been requested by the community.

Job Posts:
As posts about job openings can overwhelm a group, for right now we are asking no job posts on the front page feed, in the discussion forum, or blogs. We hope to have updates on that soon!

Promotional Posts:
As for other promotional posts, the community has asked that these not be shared. That could include linking back to your own websites, or anything branded. It also includes promoting other groups you are building. Also, any incentives, giveaways, and calls to action are likely considered promotional, even if they do not explicitly list your company.

Posts asking for recommendations:
We assume any posts asking for recommendations are wanting recommendations from their peers, not replies from suppliers recommending their own product or service, unless otherwise noted by the original poster. Therefore, any post recommending one's own product would be considered promotional.

Political posts:
Having calm, rational discussions on politics is vital; however, this group is not the place for it, especially since it is so difficult to have those types of discussions without it devolving into a negative place. So unfortunately, no political posts in this group.

Charity Posts:
We love supporting charities involved in the multifamily industry! We asked the community their preference on posts about charities, and the final decision was to have one day a month be a "post your charity news" day. That day is the 1st day of every month to kick off each month strong! So please keep posts about charities limited to that day.