Well, the living may be easy, but managing an apartment community never is, no matter the season.  And every summer we fair housing folks are asked about the clothing that residents or guests may wish to wear as they dip their toes or other/all parts of their anatomy in the pool.  The question is usually along the lines of “Can we make them wear acceptable swim attire?”. First, keep in mind that there will be wide differences on “acceptable swim attire” based on cultural, religious and even modesty issues (and don’t we sometimes fervently wish that some would actually be more modest?  Someone else needs to blog on thongs.).  Anyone who does not want to swim in “traditional swim wear” such as swim suit or swim trunks needs to assure their landlord that they have an outfit that is dedicated to swimming and for their use in the pool.  So, if I want to wear a sari, it is one sari for the pool, not just my regular everyday sari; if my sun-phobic husband wants to wear a tee shirt in the pool (and he will!), it is one tee for the pool, not just his street clothes.  If the less-than-traditional swim outfit is likely to harm the pool (dyes that will excessively bleed in the water, fabrics that will yield a lot of fibers or threads) that issue can and should be addressed.  As a postscript, I would like to add that I am very grateful that “acceptable swim attire” no longer requires the swimming cap of my girlhood – hat hair was bad enough, but then there was the circular indentation running around my head.