Apartment Living Essentials

While it’s still scorching outside, summer is giving way to fall and for many, it's moving time! From normal moves into new communities to students gearing up for the upcoming semester, prepare to see moving trucks soon. Moving can be a difficult, timely and stressful event even for the most experienced. Without fail, you'll reach a point where you're asking yourself "Where did I put ______?" or "Do I have _____?" You may not even realize you need something after throwing it away during the process. So, we made a list of the top 15 apartment living essentials, along with a brief explanation just in case you don't see the whole picture. You may not even be moving, but this list serves all apartment residents.

Your Apartment = Your Home

These 15 apartment living essentials will make your apartment a happy home. They seem like common sense but some can go unnoticed. It's better to have them on hand instead of going out to get them one-by-one. You can even order these items straight from Amazon.com if you have time to spare. You may have some of these already, but take some time on your next shopping trip to round off the list. Doing so will keep your apartment and life in good shape!