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Apartment Website vs. Multi-Family City-Specific Landing Page

Apartment Website vs. Multi-Family City-Specific Landing Page

Apartment Website vs. Multi-Family City-Specific Landing Page

When you are choosing what to put in the “Website” field of your Google Places page, consider the pros and cons of both homepage and location pages. Both can affect your rankings, but it is a debate about which is the best choice.

Homepage as a Landing Page

1.This often has the most page authority from any links the site has earned, so most of your links will already be pointing here.

2. It can be difficult to make the title tag relevant to multiple locations. You might also be worried that NAP info for many different locations can harm rankings.

City-Specific Landing Page

1. Location-specific pages often better target your property’s location. In this way you can point toward just one main city rather than many.

2. Often, most businesses’ location-specific pages are overly optimized and may even be thin on content, which can harm rankings.

If your page has already earned high rankings on Google, you should not consider making any changes. However, if you are having trouble with rankings or just beginning local SEO, consider using your homepage as a landing page. Your homepage will often have the best “link juice.” Especially now that organic rankings and Google Places rankings are not mutually exclusive, you can use your homepage to serve both ranking purposes. 


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