A/C service calls and work outside in general are at an all-time high and very often your technicians have to work outside in the sun, on rooftops, in attics, crawlspaces and very unhospitable places to make sure their customers, the residents, have air condition and can enjoy their home at a comfortable temperature. Too often though, nobody regularly checks on the technicians throughout the day to make sure they haven't suffered from a heat injury or show any signs or symptoms.

It can be as simple and make sure there is water and healthy drinks available all day and that they have to let their supervisor or manager know they are staying hydrated.

The last thing you want, is to find a technician that suffered heat exhaustion or heat stroke because someone didn't think to check on them or have water and fluids available. 

If someone is going to work on a rooftop or in an isolated area they should check in every so often (15 minutes) to let someone know they are alright and doing well.  The surface temperature of many rooftops is over 140 degrees, an attic can be just as hot, and it is already hot enough outside in the sun and shade. Even just walking around on the hot asphalt exposes a technician to much more heat than walking on concrete or grass. If you measure the difference with a thermometer, the temperature difference between, grass, concrete, asphalt and a rooftop or attic is significant. Often times the difference is 30-50 degrees above the outside air temperature. 


So be sure to take care of your team, make time for them to hydrate throughout the day. Then, you can find out if they have any symptoms or if you observe any that they may be unaware of, and then hopefully prevent any heat injuries or get treatment before it gets worse.

Everyone appreciates sitting in a home or office when it is cool and comfortable, but few truly understand from firsthand experience what it is like to work in the heat and it wouldn't be possible without technicians in the field making it all happen!


Thanks to all the Techs that get it done!! Thanks to all the Managers and Supervisors that look out for their team.


Let us know what you do to help and protect your team!



Mark Cukro