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How Do You Spell "Grateful"?

How Do You Spell "Grateful"?

How Do You Spell "Grateful"?

My ex-wife was never a good speller. So, many of the cards or notes she wrote to me would often have a word that was misspelled. And, as the spelling bee champ of my junior high and one of the editors of my high school newspaper, I was always a stickler for accurate spelling and so it really bothered me when she spelled words incorrectly. (I’m not proud of this.)


It’s V-I-D-E-O...Geez!


There was one word in particular that she would spell incorrectly and that was video. She would often spell it V-I-E-D-O, and no matter how many times I tried to “help” her remember how to spell the word, it didn’t help. So, I’d continue being irritated about it, or making fun of her inability to spell words correctly. (Again, not proud of this.)


Then, one day, I discovered that she had met someone else and wanted out of our marriage. I was devastated and hoped that we’d find our way back together. (We didn’t.) 


A couple of months or so after she left, I found a note that she had written to me a few years prior. On this note she wrote “VIEDO” again, in the same way that had irritated me for so many years, except this time, I wasn’t irritated. I was grateful.  


As I stood alone in my apartment, I would have given anything to get another “love note” from her, especially one that had "VIEDO" written on it...and my heart flooded with gratitude for all of those cards and notes that she had written to me over the years, misspellings and all!


Gratitude is Powerful


It’s no secret that people who are truly grateful live longer and have happier, more successful lives. It’s also no secret that being grateful in today’s world is not easy, is it? The bills keep coming. People are ruder, more self-centered and indifferent. Your boss never seems happy with what you do. Your kids never seem happy with what you do. Your spouse never seems ... nevermind, we won’t go there. 


Yet, what I discovered is that, if we’re open to it,  life has a way of using all of our experiences for the greater good. The bills keep you focused on the importance of showing up to work. Your lousy boss gives you an example of what not to be like (or tons of material if you end up being a speaker one day.) Your kids and spouse remind you that love is a two-way street, especially when you don’t feel like it is. 


In other words, no matter where we are, there is always something we can be grateful for...and that is a good thing. 


Lessons Learned


Now that it’s been almost a decade since my divorce and my “VIEDO” epiphany, I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned and continue to learn from that season of my life. 

  • I learned that GRACE is one of the most generous gifts I can offer others...and it's free! 
  • I learned that even when life doesn’t turn out as I expected, I’m HAPPIEST when I’m grateful for what I have been given. 
  • I learned to EMBRACE and CELEBRATE our differences, more than finding fault with them. 
  • And...when I’ve forgotten all of the above, there’s always time for me to stop and choose to be grateful. 

If you’re looking to create more success, more sales, climb the corporate ladder, land your dream job, or keep your dream job, fall in love, stay in love and on and on and on-perhaps the secret is simply in being grateful for what is already in front of you. 


Lastly, I’m grateful that you choose to spend a little part of your day reading these posts. 


Happy Holidays!

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Good reminders of gracefulness here, Rommel. Sometimes you don't appreciate the little things until they are no longer there. And sometimes we focus on the negative instead of the positive, like the spelling instead of the notes. Learning from life's lessons does help make those bad experiences fruitful...and sometimes necessary for our later successes.

  Leah Brewer

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