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Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions with These 6 Tips

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions with These 6 Tips

Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions with These 6 Tips

With 2015 on the horizon, many people have started thinking about what they can do to make the new year better than the last. In fact, according to a Forbes article, as many of 40% of American’s make New Year’s resolutions – but only 8% achieve them. Make 2015 the year your resolutions stick with these 6 tips.

Be specific
Instead of saying you want to network with more multifamily professionals in the new year, vow to attend one industry event each month. The latter is more attainable (and more measurable).

Stick to one thing at a time
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new year and make a list of resolutions as long as your arm. Resist that temptation and opt to keep things simple instead. If you have too many resolutions, you’re more likely to get overwhelmed and abandon the entire list. Remember: if you achieve one goal, you can always add another later in the year!

Put in in writing
Write down your resolution on a post-it note. Then, stick it somewhere you’ll see if often, such as on your bulletin board or the mirror above your dresser at home.

Tell others
Don’t keep your resolution a secret! Instead, tell a family member, friend or coworker so they can offer their support and encouragement. You may even find that someone in your life has a similar resolution, and you can buddy up to hold each other accountable. For example, if you and your neighbor both want to hit the gym more, plan to carpool.

Keep track of your progress
Let’s say you’re planning on running a half marathon in 2015. Keep a journal of your progress, either with pen and paper or an online fitness tracker or app. Seeing how far you’ve come will encourage you to keep going when you’re feeling discouraged.

Dust yourself off and try again
Did you vow to hit the gym three days per week but only make it twice last week? Don’t let one slip up completely derail your resolution. Instead, dust yourself and vow to do better next week.

Happy holidays to you and your family, and best wishes for a wonderful 2015!

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