Americans born between the mid-1920s and the early 1940s are now known as the Mature or Silent Generation. Because they saw the Great Depression, wars, the women’s movement and the civil rights movement, they’re justice-seekers. They had their families while they were young, and they’re no strangers to hard work. They place a high value on both.

This generation has been through the wringer. They’re motivated by values, loyalty, tradition, and family. They’re a trusting group that prefers the following marketing channels:

Focus on life’s great moments when marketing to Matures in both digital and print ads, according to Encore Perception Marketing. “When using imagery in your ads, use one image over a collage of images. They are fond of lifestyle images of a group or family and love pet images. Because of their limited eyesight, they prefer simple fonts and subdued colors. If marketing to them via your website, make sure your message uses an authoritative, respectful tone and includes information from experts in your industry.”

A Mature Decision

The Mature Generation has known hard times and great times, and their focus is less on self and more on family and friends. Provide them with a multifamily property that emphasizes community, encourages personal attention and interaction, and values their life experience through social activities and advisory councils. That respect will appeal to potential residents, and will garner the loyalty—and referrals—of existing ones.
