The rent-to-income ratio, one of the primary underwriting measures of a renter's ability to succeed in a home, is being challenged. Modern renters’ income is dynamic and volatile. As a renter’s income evolves, so must our tools that enable property managers to best understand, work with and empower renters to succeed in the home.

Today’s income reality consists of renters with income volatility split across multiple types:

Income volatility and variability is straining residents and property management teams alike. How can operators better adapt to how income is evolving and improve the resident experience? 

Having real-time income data is essential to adapt to variable income. New flexible rent technologies underwrite each resident’s individual cash flow in real time and adjust their rental payments accordingly. Rent allocations align and fluctuate with paychecks, so rent payments are optimized even with income unpredictability. 

This is groundbreaking for multifamily as vastly different cash-flow models and pay schedules can exist among residents. Yet the same rent is due on the same day each month. Customized budgeting can significantly help residents make rent a more manageable expense.

Flexible rent payments are a long-term solution to an industry that isn’t generally known for its flexibility. They mitigate financial risk for operators and help build financial stability for residents. Multifamily must adapt not only for residents, but also to improve the overall collections process and build a sustainable future.