Remember all the time, effort, and thousands of marketing dollars you invested trying to get prospects to reach out to you? Those marketing efforts go up in smoke if we can’t convert those phone calls into actual appointments! A telephone call is often the first personal connection we have with prospects, and that call is also one of the easiest points of contact to screw up. So in this session, we will share how to prepare for the call, create a positive first impression, establish a relationship, learn their needs, and most importantly, secure the close! On this webinar, we will explore how to create a relationship with a client not bound by price, and investigate the needs and wants by having a genuine conversation that is both unexpected and not industry norm.
Join Jeffrey Butcher and the Webinar Wednesday Team on This Special Recorded Broadcast to Secure the Appointment!
Who should watch:
On Site Team Members, Regional Managers, Small Owners, Management Company Executives, Training Directors, Marketing Directors
About Jeffrey Butcher:
Jeffrey has been in the multi-family industry for over 17 years. He has the unique experience of working on-site & at a corporate level within various property management companies AND working on the “vendor side” of our industry. Currently Jeffrey serves as the National Leasing Director for JLB Partners. Jeffrey specializes in coaching property management professionals in developing relationships with the client that is both engaging and unique. His degree in Theater & Film provided groundwork for being a motivating, encouraging and highly engaging trainer.

Now in its fourth decade, Yardi® offers a complete real estate management solution with the Yardi Voyager® platform. Stacked with the Yardi Multifamily Suite™, Yardi Marketing Suite™ and Yardi Orion™ Business Intelligence, it includes marketing, operations, accounting and ancillary processes and services with portfolio-wide business intelligence and platform-wide mobility.

J Turner Research is the leading market research firm exclusively serving the multifamily industry. Our robust survey programs and fully integrated online reputation management platform offer customer insights and actionable data to drive revenue. Our ORA™ score serves as the industry standard for measuring a property/company's online reputation.
* Each registration is good for one attendee OR one on-site team. If you would like multiple attendees, group viewing events, or other needs, please contact us.