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Jared S. Leese and 3 others people reacted to Mya Estrada's Video 2 years ago

Great instructional video on how to deal with...

Here's one way to handle rodents in the walls of your community.

Teresa Bruno and 2 others people reacted to Lilah Poltz's Video 2 years ago

How Do You Stop? With The Paws Button!

How cool is this for apartments! Your dog can get his exercise and you don't need a huge backyard!

Teresa and 4 others people reacted to Lilah Poltz's Video 2 years ago

Wait... I get to give away $1,000 in gift cards?!

So we are randomly giving away $1,000 in gift cards to lucky people who register for Multifamily Demo Day by the 31st? http://multifamilydemoday.com

Jared S. Leese is friends with Brent Williams

Jared S. Leese is friends with Felicia Norman

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