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I wanted to see if anyone has a solution for leasing consultants to be able to text prospects from onesite. We are looking into knock but I didn’t know if there are any other programs.


Guest Insider A manager is typically an appointed authority figure whose primary role is to manage tasks, processes, and people to ensure organizational goals are met. They focus on planning, organizing, and controlling, with an emphasis on efficiency and consistency. Managers often concentrate on short-term goals and immediate deliverables, using their formal authority to get tasks completed. They tend to be risk-averse, maintaining the status quo and improving existing conditions.On the other hand, a leader is someone who influences and inspires others to follow, even without formal authority. Leaders focus on people, setting direction, creating a vision, and motivating others towards a common goal. They are often willing to take risks to innovate and challenge the status quo, with a long-term vision for the future.In essence, while managers are about processes and immediate results, leaders are about people and long-term vision. Both roles are crucial in a successful organization, with the most... Show more
Gerry Hunt John thank you!!
Guest Insider A leader shows you how to do things and works with you to get a job done. A manager tells you what to do and expects it to be done with no real instructions or help. I’ve worked for a ‘manager’ b4. She was TERRIBLE and still is.
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