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Hey everyone! I have a general question about organic traffic from social media. How is social media handled by your company? If the on-site team is in charge, which team member does it? Is there an approval process? Do you have a designated marketing team for it? Let me know!
I'm a new marketing assistant with zero background in marketing and everyone I've talked to says it's the on-site team's job to create and post content regularly, but...
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Brooke Nuber-Soldate On site has the content access so they do organic. Marketing does paid.
Karen Kossow We take a 2-pronged approach. Our properties are responsible for 5 posts per week with 2 monthly deadlines (the 25th for content for the first half of the next month and the 5th for the remaining content) for content to be entered into SOCi. We will take "place holders" for things like resident event recap posts. These posts are supposed to be local/relevant posts with half being property-centric in some way. Marketing then reviews/approves, etc. these posts.
Marketing then also does 1 post per day per property. These are more curated- outside of Testimonial Tuesday posts which are property specific, most of these are the same post for all properties and tend to be more DC Metro centric rotating around the areas where we have properties. Things like Restaurants We Love or Happy Hour Highlights. The Metro region is small enough that, even if people normally stay in their neighborhood, they will check out restaurants (etc.) in other locations.
Leah Love I’ve used programs like Hey Orka that lets multiple people approve and collaborate. I do believe Canva now offers this as well.
I was THE marketing department for many years so feel free to ask me any questions. Grab some ideas from my IG too: www.Instagram.com/LeasingLeah (I don’t sell anything.)
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Give it to me….the good, the bad, the ugly with valet trash. My community is signing up with Valet Living and I’m curious of everyone’s experience and opinions on the added amenity. Thanks!


Allie Gartside Yes as a resident and pm professional, I don’t like it.
You can’t opt out. Residents miss trash pick up. Trash sits in halls and stinks and stains.
Issues with the valet saying they came but didn’t.
I don’t have the time to be Amazon, to be trash valet etc. It just adds to my already busy list.
Again for me as a resident, I’d rather take my trash out myself and save $25 a month.
Harold West Valet trash by any company, you’re going to have issues, not one is perfect. You have to manage your resident and the vendor about the same amount of time. The vendor issues I’ve dealt with are lack of reliable staff, therefore creating thorough pick up issues and weather issues, when they should not be issues.
Vicki Johnston Let me say I wish the admins of the group wouldn't let anonymous posters speak badly about companies. If you've had a bad experience or you're really just wanting feedback, then as professionals we should all be able to speak freely and show our faces. With valet trash, I've had a bad experience with a company I won't name here and Valet Living fortunately got me out of a very bad situation. Valet Living has been a good partner not only with the trash but helping me with events, they have an app that communicates directly with my residents, and I have local people to reach out to. It's also the PM's responsibility to ensure the residents follow the times, etc. This is a nice amenity to offer and a great income. If it's ran correctly with a good partner, should not be a headache or additional work for the community team.
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Thoughts on working for Greystar as a PM? I’m curious to know your thoughts on pay, benefits, relationship with upper management/owners, expectations, etc. Thanks in advance!


Guest Insider It honestly depends on two factors: your RPM and your client (if you are 3rd party).
Guest Insider I’ll go back to Greystar as long as I never work for the manager I used to work for.
There’s some PM’s who get on a high horse and think their team is there to do all the work they don’t feel like doing , someone to shift blame onto and of course leave and are never there but somehow the team is the problem. Nevertheless give it a try I’ll go back in heart beat just as long as I know who it working with lol 😆
Christi Anderson I am in Central South and have been with them for going on 15 years. I have worked under three Regionals - one was the devil and it was for only 6 months years ago but the other two have been phenomenal! work/life balance is good - benefits are awesome! I have been in this industry for 23 years and this company expects more from their employees than other companies. there are things that sometimes piss me off but honestly, the only way I plan to leave is by the grave. love Greystar and I love the people!
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Does your assistant collect on past due accounts? If so how often? I’m AM is great at so many things, but delinquency is not a strong suit of hers. I’ve sat down and gone over expectations but unfortunately our company doesn’t have any goals or bonuses when it comes to delinquency, so other...


Suan Tinsley My sister was number one in our company. IM me for her number.
Guest Insider I’m a AM and this is my responsibility. I post the 3 days, balance dues. I post the belief of abandonments. I call and email, I knock on doors. It’s apart of my daily responsibilities. I have a DQ report to my CD, regional and the client every Friday by 10am. I’m a people pleaser through and through but at the end of the day there’s a job to do and I have to commit to it. Sometimes it comes and handy and im able to get some PTP set in stone. And sometimes I can’t and thats also apart of the job. Maybe have her start sending you weekly updates in tracker form to keep you updated?
Guest Insider What part of the process is getting missed? Late letters get posted to doors. The time period passes based on your state/property. Then you call and email. Then you file.
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Dilema. I need advice lol
So, I've been working with a company for almost two years and have done three lease ups with them. I had to move away from my second one because I had to move closer to my family. According to company policy, you have to complete the paperwork in order to get paid out your commission but it says that it's up to the property manager's discretion how it's awarded. Prior to leaving, I had a feeling I'd run into an issue...
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Guest Insider Go to the PM and say hey I haven’t seen this commissions yet, based on our convo from XXX I thought I’d have received it by now, can you tell me when I should expect it?” And if they come back with “we never agreed to blah blah blah” then let them know you actually have a recording of that initial conversation. That said, check and make sure recording someone without their knowledge is legal in the state you did it in, because in a lot of states it’s not legal and would not hold up if they didn’t know.
Guest Insider Anonymous member 116 I would say that “I recorded it to remind myself to make sure “I “ did/followed up correctly, etc.” Saying it like this will take away the “I didn’t trust you so I recorded the conversation”
Guest Insider I would just flat out ask where my commission is, and lay out what was told to you and on what date. If they ask for proof provide it. 3 lease ups put money in their pocket, it’s only right they do the same for you. Especially if you still work for them. The only reason I could see them not paying out is if you left the company, but you haven’t.
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I'm struggling getting anything done with so many residents coming in to talk about their personal lives. I think they consider me a friend, which I guess is kind of nice, but it is way too much information and they take up so much TIME! How do you guys handle this without being rude?
This is an anonymous post shared with the team at MFI.

Tina Moore You are NOT a therapist! I had the same problem with residents needing a listening ear. Don’t do that to yourself. That’s not your job!
Mya Estrada When I worked in student housing as a student this would happen all the time, and I never knew how to say I had to get back to work! The best thing I would do that I think someone else pointed out was connect them with another student they could to talk to so I could slowly retreat from the conversation. Also, hosting events and making sure to invite the talkative residents and introducing them to each other helped sometimes.
Suan Tinsley I always made the time for them back in the 80’s but with so much “time saving” technology and reporting requirements it would be difficult. Best of luck in figuring out how to balance.
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Is it common practice for a community to only do scheduled appointments on Saturday when there are two sales associates?
Walked in to a community where two young ladies were sitting there with literally nothing going on and they informed me I need an appointment. I asked if they had a scheduled appointment coming in shortly, they said no.
As someone who prides themselves on customer service, I was very surprised they refused to tour and a...
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Amy Whitehouse OMG I have a competition community near me that still won't open the door for anyone and insists on appointments only every day they're open. They ended up losing out on a huge long-term contract partnering with the military because they were rude to the person who holds the contract. I'd also like to know their rating is only about 2 and 1/2 stars out of five on Google.
They also have 6+ vacant units....I wonder why...
And for the record, our community is Open on Saturdays, and we take walk-ins and appointments. Also, we have only one person working that day.
Guest Insider I don't understand that at all. If there was one person on property then maybe due to security reasons. And if I couldn't show I would give a reason
Sally Nelson All our showings are by appointment however we will do last minute ones if we can accommodate. Perhaps these girls didn’t have a license to show?!
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How do you write up employees? 😕 It can be so awkward! Especially if you’ve developed a friendly relationship, but they aren’t pulling their weight. Any tactics are appreciated!

James Weaver You can be friendly with your employees, but you can’t be friends. It’s business, not personal. You are all there to do a job, and if someone isn’t, you can’t ignore it. You chose to be the boss. Disciplining employees is part of being a boss and leader.
Judy Bellack Embrace the conversation rather than being afraid of it. This is an opportunity to help your employee be better, not tear them down. Opening with "I really care about your job satisfaction and performance, and I'd like to share some feedback with you on some areas for improvement" or something similar will help put everyone at ease. Approach it as a conversation and provide direct feedback, also asking for insight into anything that has been preventing them from the tasks at hand.
Jared S. Leese Read Crucial Conversation. Then have the conversation. Best process I've ever used.
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Anyone use Flex at their properties? How do you like it?
Did your other income for late fees decrease significantly or Evictions?


Monica Windham I like that offering flex is completely hands off. So much so that I have a client that we forgot we set up accounts with, checked a report to find out they paid about $30k/mo in rents on 250 units.
We signed up when we first started the company and set up automated reports for tenant directories to go to them. They market to the tenants and we never have to get involved. Our eviction rates are pretty low and it’s never anyone that used Flex
Brent Williams If you want to see them in action, they are actually demoing at Multifamily Demo Day! multifamilydemoday.com/
Christi Anderson love it - we went from having to file about ten evictions a month down to two on average. overall late pays dropped dramatically. 9th of the month we had only $2K in rent outstanding.
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What do you believe are the expectations of a “touch up” or “sparkle clean” for leasing agents prior to a move in. At my last few properties I’ve noticed leasing agents have become more of a cleaner than leasing agent almost with the amount of time they spend touching up units.
I always...


Patty Peterson Cleaning should absolutely be last. If maintenance goes in and does anything for whatever reason, they should be responsible to clean up after themselves. Leasing agent shouldn’t be responsible for cleaning. They are renting and showing the units.
Suan Tinsley Contract cleaning should be the last step of a make ready.
Leah Love ) Wipe up any missed hairs. (We all know there will be at least one.)
2) Wipe down all surfaces.
3) Flush and clean out any rings in toilet.
4) I olive oil the kitchen sink so it shines.
5) Spray a HIGH-QUALITY air freshener that lasts.
6) Check under cabinets for bugs.
7) Quick vacuum lines with a cordless vacuum if time permits.
😎 Add water to refrigerator.
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What are some red flags you immediately notice during an interview? For me, it’s when they ask, “Do you have kids?”

Katie Vohwinkle When they talk about how the company culture is like family. Run..,,,,
Brent Williams I know of a lot of dysfunctional families, Katie Vohwinkle...
Mya Estrada When they don't hire me... just kidding haha
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What is your base salary at 300-400 units or more as a seasoned community manager? 4 years old / luxury

Guest Insider It’s going to depend on what job market your in and is it all market or is there any tax credit or sect 8 contracts? (Specialties). In Chicago it could be anywhere from $65,000-$85,000 base plus bonuses. I know it’s a wide range but also depends on the company 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry
Chad Christian Depends on area. But ideally 80K base and higher depending on location
Elysia Troiano Depends on what market . $75,000 base.
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Hello! In my role on the HR side of property management, I am seeking information on standard staffing levels per door across the industry, including both maintenance and office staff. Does the type of housing, such as conventional versus student housing, and the property type, such as single-family...


Guest Insider In my 30 years in property management all of the “specialty” communities like senior, student, tax credit, housing, or even conventional rehab would need a different salary base due to the level of work involved. The larger the community the higher the salary. Like what the other two commenters said 131 units or doors but technically they are managing 560 different accounts. All of those variables should factors in. The days of 1 person per 100 units should end with these variable coupled with existing age and financial stability of the property.
Guest Insider I am in student housing as well. I have 131 doors 560 beds that are individually leased on a 20 plus year old property. I have myself and my leasing manager and two maintenance technicians. We do hire out lawn care and snow removal.
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I work on the vendor side now, but spent over 15 years on-site. I recently started looking for an apartment for the first time in 16 years.
I am amazed at the number of sites I’ve visited or messaged that will not show an apartment if there is only one person scheduled to be in the office at a certain time. When I was on-site, we simply put a note on the door and showed apartments.
Is that a common practice now?
For reference, this is in the DFW...
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Guest Insider Anonymous member some times that isn’t possible either. I have one 2 bedroom I am able
To show currently and after Saturday I won’t have anything to show until the end of the following week.
Guest Insider I think Covid gave people excuses to get out of showing which is disheartening.
Guest Insider If I’m in the only person in the office, I lock it up and put up a sign to show the model unit.
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How do you handle people that just will not stop with complaints that waste your time (yet still be kind and professional)?? Time wasters who suck the life out of your day over extremely minor or not real issues??
For instance, I have a man who insists his water/sewer bill should be lower (it’s already low!!!!) . He’s has called the city utility dept and also the utility billing provider questioning why his bill is like….$40. Insists he was...
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Kathy Porter Have you reached out to you 3rd party billing provider? I work for one and occasionally have to write up a very detailed explanation of how they are billed. Usually shuts them up. Also provide the average billing amounts for the property.
Guest Insider I have a tenant who hears "knocking" on his wall only at night between the hours of 3am-9am according to him. Last tenant says he never heard anything. Next door neighbor doesn't hear it either. I think he's trying to get out of his lease.
Justin Martin Start make an appointment for him to speak for those 20 minutes
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