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Creating Sense of Community in the Aftermath

Creating Sense of Community in the Aftermath

With the Atlantic hurricane season drawing to its yearly close, the damage done by this natural phenomenon has yet to be entirely evaluated. Recovery actions can take at least a few years, but this can be a time to shine. Property managers become instrumental in these times. So much can be done to improve upon the lives of those affected. Especially in the multifamily property management market.  A prepared property management team is crucial. Having a plan of action that coordinates grounds keeping crews  to assist with tenants needs . In times of crisis most services such as waste management become in-operational. It is the responsibility of the property management team to keep residents informed.  By having a plan in place provides this basic need to the renters. A commitment of services provided brings forth the we are in this together approach. The property management team  can become a more efficient network.  A team dedicated to the assistance of their renters  in times of crisis . A team that works directly with local state and federal emergency agencies for a more efficient resolve.  Share the knowledge by updating the residents with all emergency relief agencies  information.  These are some recommendations that any property management team can implement.

Organize Gatherings to Cultivate the Sense of Community

There is no better way to cultivate a sense of community with your multifamily property than to host gatherings and organize events.  Take full advantage of the holiday seasons and impart a better sense of community.  For example bring in some fun with most creative decorated door for each season. This creates an environment where residents can get to know each other.  Host annual events that caters to each of the various renters. A barbecue contest can become a great way for neighbors to become friends  and will definitely win over your multifamily property residents. In the social media age with likes, shares and pictures of residents with a smile. This gives a platform and a friendly enticement for potential renters.
A Management team that has a cursory knowledge of its residents and a protocol for emergency response is a winning team. A property that offers a balanced approach between community and efficiency is a selling team.  A staff that wears a smile and welcomes every person not as a tenant but also as a friend is a caring team.


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