Reply: I have 30 vacant apartments, Help!

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Nicholas Bradehorst

Anonymous wrote: What city are you in?

san bernardino
Posted 3 years 3 months ago
It will be good idea to contact consultant and advertise your vacant apartment by placing ads.
Posted 5 years 2 months ago
What city are you in I may can help you ?
Posted 5 years 2 months ago
larry rygg
all I can tell you is that people are getting tired of the rent going up & up 90% of the rent is way out of line. so people like me looking a lot harder and willing to sacrifice to pay less for rent. I am retired and they just keep jacking the rent up on me. so I am looking to move myself , what's happen is greed is taking over this country so all I can say is good luck trying to rent a place
Posted 5 years 5 months ago
Andre McCullough
Hello I'm in Detroit, Michigan and looking for apartments to renovate email me please.
Posted 7 years 1 month ago
I am not a rental, but interested in taking over some rental apartment in the broward county area
Posted 8 years 2 months ago