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6 Ways to Empower Women in Real Estate

6 Ways to Empower Women in Real Estate

Happy International Women's Day!

Let's all pull on our sparkly Michelle Obama boots and get in formation. Because even though there have been many strides to empower women in real estate, there is always more work to be done. (According to a 2015 report from CREW, only 9 percent of commercial real estate C-suite positions are held by women.) What can we as an industry do? Here are some suggestions.


Have better maternity leave policies. It is stressful having a baby, and not just because you will get no sleep for the foreseeable future, will hurt trying to walk across the room and are now responsible for a tiny human. But you also are haunted with the knowledge that you're going to have Baby Shark in your head for the next few months! (Here's the video. Because if I have to have it in my head, so should you. You're welcome.) Seriously though, women stress about going back to work, especially if it's to the old boy's club culture that is still unfortunately around in real estate. They also worry that their colleagues won't understand or will be resentful for the "time off" (ha!). Allow women to ease back into work, either with a reduced schedule or the ability to work from home when necessary. 

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