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Baby, It's FREEZING Outside!

Baby, It's FREEZING Outside!

Even though half the people out there don’t even know what a vinyl record is, let me say it anyway – like a broken record, winter keeps hammering away at our communities and resources as though having arctic blasts is a normal, everyday occurrence. Well, it isn’t – stop already! In what has become a redundant bedtime story refrain of, “Once upon a time …” the forecast seems to be several more inches of snow accumulation with temperatures plunging to below zero. And what are we doing to protect our UNSUNG HEROES, our Maintenance Teams, during this frigid period of unrelenting snow, ice, wind, icicles, and below zero wind-chill?

The guys at our apartment communities are there at 7:00 AM with snow shovels in hand stooping, bending and lifting heavy shovelfuls of snow from the steps of building entrances, salting the steps and sidewalks, and if that isn’t enough, they are pushing snow blowers through eight inches of new snowfall. Not to mention, the guy on the bobcat (yes, so much snow has fallen a plain blade can push it only so far. Now we need to lift and MOVE the mountains elsewhere.) Does anyone else worry about these guys out there in that weather?

Are they dressed appropriately for the weather conditions? Do they have actual winter boots to protect their feet? Hats? Face Protection? Gloves? Snow pants and Down Jackets? I know these items are expensive for the average worker making, for some, not much more than $10 per hour. I suggest your company contribute in some way to making sure the Maintenance Team has the right work apparel to protect them in the elements, including in the spring when it rains so much. How many on your teams have rubber boots for outdoor jobs and landscaping in the spring? How many have nice, heavy duty raincoats? The weather affects us all, but let’s remember our team members who are not sitting in an Office and treat them respectfully and reverently for the work they do keeping us, our residents, guests and visitors safe each season.


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