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It's a Great day for a Happy Gram!!!!

It's a Great day for a Happy Gram!!!!

It's a Great day for a Happy Gram!!!!

Picture this; You are a leasing agent. You are dedicated to your company, you love your team and you are excited to come into your “second home” everyday. Your office is sometimes hectic and occasionally so slow you can hear the crickets chirping. But you love it, every minute of it, except for those rare occasions where you question your sanity and that of the Property Management business as a whole. 

One day, the mail carrier arrives like he does every other day laden with bills and packages. Except for today. Today is a special day. Today he has mail for you, oh dedicated leasing agent. “What is this?” You exclaim to yourself. “A letter for me? That NEVER happens.” But today it has. Today is a special day. You excitedly tear open the envelope and the contents bring joyous tears to your eyes.  It’s a HAPPY GRAM! A beautiful hand written card with the inscription inside reading:

Dear Leasing Agent,

Great Job on the awesome leases this week. Three in one day! WOW!

We are proud to have you as part of our team and revel in your successes!  Enclosed please find this Starbucks gift card as a token of our appreciation!       Go Team !!!!

You stare proudly at the card and its contents. Your smile is wider, your eyes are brighter, you cannot wait to tell your team of your fortune.  Your love and commitment to your team is strong, and with this one small gesture you’re certain that your company loves you back.


This small gesture does not have to be just for your leasing team, in fact I would totally encourage you to use the “Happy Gram” company wide. With the cost of hiring a newbie averaging around $11,000, the benefits of a $5 or $10 gift card  given here and there are clear. What a great way to enhance team spirit and even more importantly make our valued team members feel special, recognized, and appreciated. 


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