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Inspire Rentals & Renewal with Random Acts of Kindness

Inspire Rentals & Renewal with Random Acts of Kindness

February 15 - 21 is Random Acts of Kindness Week

Join Random Acts of Kindness foundation for an all year program 

·      Join the foundation for FREE. http://www.actsofkindness.org/

·      Tour the site and familiarize yourself with their services.

·      Set up a FREE Kindness Web Site to post your "RAK". 

·      Stage a permanent area in the office for monthly Kindness Projects.

·      Invite your residents to join an RAK Residents Team. The team can help you to decide on events, create awareness and participate in the Kindness Projects.

·      Show your RAK program as a part of your tour. Create a wall art with pictures and a message about “Membership" to the foundation.

·      Once your team is active create a Shutterfly book of your RAK events with pictures to share with prospective residents, produce a short video, show pictures of projects on a special digital photo frame.

·      Invite touring customers to join in and share some kindness with a specially produced business card with a message. (See bottom for "Happy Economics" card) then post pics on your FREE Kindness website. Share this when people tour!!

·      Sign up to receive the “Kindness Times” e-letter. Offer this to your residents too and offer it to new residents.

·      Follow the foundation on twitter - http://twitter.com/kindtimes

·      Send follow-up with FREE Kindness e-cards from the RAK foundation.

·      Go to the “FREE STUFF” and down load the PDF files with tons of examples of RAK programs already implemented with instructions and guides.

Show the "kinder side of life" at your property!

Here are a few suggestions for your RAK Residents Team to consider:

Hand made get well card for the children in the local hospital

Go to the nurse’s station at the local children's hospital and find out who can receive a handmade card. Get a list of Name, Age, Sex and set up a craft table in your office to have your residents and visitors choose a child and create handmade get well card. Have card paper folded, stickers, markers, sample messages to get them started and a list of children's information needing a card!!! Deliver the cards with a clown that makes balloon animals and get pics for your Shutterfly book and Kindness website

Race for the cure

Drape your table with pink and build a team from your property to run the race for the cure. Show people how they can participate if they can't walk and send them to the S.Komen.org to before an Advocate, buy something pink or join a circle of promise.


Feeding America

The food banks have had a 30% increase in demand and they need food. Host a food drive as your random acts of kindness and ask residents to bring food with the rent in March!!! Get pics of your team delivering. Visit local business to see if they can join you and help.


Join Samaritan Purse in helping Hati

Samaritan’s Purse has food distribution centers, aviation partners, medical aid and people with a Heart for Haiti. Read updates and news on their efforts at their website. Decide how you can help, get your RAK Residents Team to decide how you can best help. Inspire your resident to help one of the many agencies actively engaged in the recovery efforts. Find out when they are going, maybe even sponsor a resident who wants to personally go and give them a flip camera to bring back their story.


Set your mission to help a new organization each month. I didn't work on out but I love the Special Olympics and the Olympics are about to begin.  COME ON PEOPLE you don't have to look far to see people who could use an act of kindness - start with your staff!!!!

Finally - Invite future residents to join in!

We created a very cute logo for “Happy Economics” and a business card design that you can have printed at vista print for less than $10. What FUN enjoy all these ideas - Let's spread some KINDNESS as a part of our resident retention and leasing plan!! ENJOY! Let me know what you think? Share what you are doing? Tell me your favorite charity?


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