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Why Your Bot Should Never Pretend to Be Human

Why Your Bot Should Never Pretend to Be Human

Bot vs Human

Deceiving or camouflaging your chatbot as a human can harm your lead conversion rates and have a negative impact on resident retention. In today's environment, renters are increasingly vigilant about discerning when engaging with automated systems. While some might assume prospective customers despise interacting with bots, the reality is quite the opposite. Surprisingly, 74% of renters prefer chatting with a bot over a live human. However, there's a critical caveat: renters desire transparency, wanting to know whether they're interacting with a bot or a genuine person rather than being duped into thinking they're conversing with a human. Here are the key reasons why disguising your chatbot as a human can adversely affect your business:

Erodes Trust In Your Brand

 Trust is a non-negotiable element in your relationships with both existing and potential residents. When your customers cannot trust that you'll communicate with them transparently, their confidence in your company will wane. Prospects and residents want assurance that their needs will be met, but if they perceive deceit, it can cast doubt on your property's competence. Maintaining transparency in your communication processes is vital for instilling confidence in your organization.

Misaligned Expectations

If customers believe they're conversing with a real person instead of a bot, they may form unrealistic expectations regarding the bot's capabilities. They might assume the bot is personable and can retain essential customer information. However, if the bot lacks this capability or cannot retrieve user data, it can lead to unmet expectations. Informing users that they're interacting with a bot is crucial so they understand how to engage with the bot and what kind of responses to anticipate.

Inaccurate Addressing of Queries

 When a bot masquerades as a human, users may pose questions in a manner that the bot does not comprehend or have answers to. If prospects cannot quickly find the information they seek, they may disengage and seek alternative solutions. This can lead to user frustration and feeling unheard or overlooked. Transparently acknowledging that your communication is facilitated by a bot allows users to set realistic expectations and explore alternative avenues if their questions aren't promptly addressed. Conversely, if users believe they're interacting with a human, they might conclude that your staff is incapable of providing adequate assistance, eroding their trust in your team.

Authenticity Is Paramount

In a world marked by rapid technological advancements, users are keen to know the nature of their interactions. By being authentic and forthright with your customers, you demonstrate respect for them and show that your brand can be trusted. Authenticity has taken on heightened significance in recent times. Clearly indicating that your tool is a bot, such as altering the avatar icon and explicitly stating in your messaging that your product is a bot, is a powerful way to convey this authenticity.

In conclusion, it's imperative to refrain from misleading your prospects and residents by creating the illusion that they're engaging with a human when, in reality, they're conversing with a bot. Failing to disclose this fact upfront can negatively impact lead conversion rates and resident retention by undermining trust in your brand, causing misalignment of user expectations, failing to address inquiries accurately, and neglecting the vital element of authenticity. Foster trust within your company by being open about using a chatbot; your prospects and residents will appreciate your honesty.


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