Reply: Aluminum Wiring pigtailing - best practices?

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I don't know that I would call it a conversion. I don't know that I would explain it to tenants either. "Hey guys, your home is 55 times more likely to have an electrical fire than most folks." isn't a selling point. Pig-tailing attaches a copper wire to existing aluminum wires in hopes that the copper will stay more securely attached under the terminal screws of switches and outlets because it expands less. I don't know that it does any good. Experts say it does. Experts used aluminum wire in the first place. Good luck.
Posted 7 years 5 months ago
Hey All!
We are preparing to bid and execute an aluminum wiring conversion to pigtailing. The electricians are asking great questions, and residents will be next!
* Who moved residents' furniture from in front of outlets? The residents?
* If the residents were supposed to move it, what did you do if it wasn't moved (It's not like sealcoating where you can tow their couch! :silly: )
* How did you explain it to residents - does anyone have notices they are willing to share?
* Does anyone have a scope of work they are willing to share?
Other suggestions, problems, things we should consider?
Posted 7 years 8 months ago