Reply: Turning Units

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I have a question what included turn over and how much to charge?
Posted 4 years 10 months ago
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Rebecca WOjtko
Planning, how?

We should have a five day turn, and its not happening. I have 2 maint. people on staff. We are income based, 138 units with 22 vacants. :(

Im new at management and am not sure how to implement new procedures.
Posted 5 years 1 month ago
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Monica O'Neil
We use a program called Make Ready Manager to help schedule tasks to be done between tenants. It is a computer version of a make ready board. We schedule pre-moveout inspections so we know to what extent the turn may be, the moveout inspection to be done after the lease expires or when they turn in keys, general prep, flooring installation, painting, cleaning, carpet cleaning and a final inspection. We schedule all this ahead of time for our units so everyone knows where they need to go and when. We generally give 5 days to turn a unit just to make sure there aren't any problems during that time with someone not showing up. Make Ready Manager has a phone app for our employees and vendors so they have access to their task list from their smart phone. The program is great for managing turn over work schedules. Our biggest challenge is workmanship from people.
Posted 6 years 10 months ago
Hmmm...Asking people who have probably never done an apartment turn about turning apartments? I must question your logic here.

Race, gender, and age profiling are not allowed when it comes to RENTING apartments, but they are in terms of predicting maintenance. More importantly, length of time in residence. A young woman with four kids is going to be harder on the unit than an old man who won't even hang pictures. If you ask your maintenance folks how long it will take to complete the turn, they will tell you "until I'm finished." How long it takes to do a turn depends on how big and how trashed the apartment is. Cleaning and Maintenance should be done by two different people. They require two different mindsets.
Posted 7 years 3 months ago
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now is a turn that should be done in less then 6 days also include removing all the hardware cab handle hinges door knobs door hinges plastic of 1110 square foot apartment remove any and all shelf tack paper with heat gun prime said kitchen cab 15 of them paint said cab repaint all the walls when done replace the hardware with all new chrome hinges and knobs plus paint all the wood trim white then have new carpet and vinyl installed and then have apartment cleaned
Posted 7 years 3 months ago
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My goal is to have a unit turned in three business days.

Here is the rule of thumb
Day 1: Maintenance and Painters (they tend to leave a little bit of a mess so we have them get in first)
Day 2: Cleaners
Day 3: Carpet Cleaners (this should be done at the very end)

At our complex we do semi annual inspections so we are able to have an idea of what kind of shape the apartment is in prior to them moving out. With these inspections we assess any maintenance issues as well as how well the tenant is keeping up with our property. If the carpet is has a grade of a C I know when they move out that I will most likely have to replace the carpet. When this happens I schedule a carpet vendor day one and three after move out. Day 1 to assess the carpet and see if it is "saveable" if it is we continue with cleaning on day 3, if not I cancel that appointment and schedule the replacement.

I always try to either check the unit right before the vendors leave or at least the same day that they are there so if any redos are needed we can take care of them ASAP.

If all goes as planned then the unit is only vacant for 3 days and we have a tenant already scheduled for day 4!
Posted 8 years 4 months ago