Reply: What is Important in Our Country?

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Nate, you have a good topic, and I for one have always thought the political rodeo is an elaborate waste of money. What we need to learn (after cleaning up a lot of other trash in the area) is how to insert a real elected person to be the POTUS.
I am going to have a hard time writing from this point on, as I would need to go into the unattractive facts of both parties being the same and the powers that be who meet and "select" who will be the next POTUS. This is not something that most people want to hear about, let alone talk about. (HINT: The Bilderbergers meet this week). So, my acknowledgement of this being a tin foil hat, conspiracy, New World Order nutcase talk to most people, sort of kills my speech. :blink:
But in generics, keep on talking, as your post was very much right on the mark. I especially liked the part of bringing home our troops.
Good Cheer!!
Posted 11 years 11 months ago
What is important in our country? Has anyone thought about how much money these super PACs can raise for a campaign? We are talking millions and for what? Most of the time to run down the other political figures. Now I read where one candidate raised over $309,000,000.00. So, how many mouths could that feed? How many places where they were hit by nature and homes and lives changed forever, how many people would that money be able to help?

Our men and women who are in harm’s way fighting and dying for all of us, do you think that the worthy talks would be how can we put our differences aside and get our men and women back home? Where is the best place to place this money to do the most good? So the other side raised also over $312,000,000.00; so together this was $621,000,000.00

So, it costs this much to put a person into office? Look at where this money is coming from and then ask, are there any strings attached to this? If the answer is yes, then to do what? Is it to do the will of the people or the will of those select few who do not want the same as the people of this nation?

What could $621,000,000.00 do to pay down our national debt? What could this money do for our orphans, school systems, infrastructure, National Guard units returning home and their men and women find out that they no longer have employment and are trying to find more work? What about the downsizing that happens after every war and our young men and women are pushed into the job market?

Am I crazy and am I looking at this entire thing wrong, do I have my head stuck up my fourth point of contact (paratrooper talk)?

I think it is time we took a step back and look at where we are headed and do we want to really go down the road where we are being led!

I am a housing professional, but we are all so much more. We live in a country where we need to pay attention to what is going on and we need to be heard and not wait for someone else to speak. I am for the team concept because I have never seen anyone win at anything if they did not do it together as a team!

Notice I have not picked or bashed anyone's political party? We are a nation of individuals that need to come together and work on things as a team! If we do not, then I am afraid the results will not be to the likings of the many!

OK, I am off my soap box, so I will not get back to the business at hand and try to brain storm some of the housing issues!
Posted 11 years 11 months ago