Reply: Rent Drop Box Theft Prevention

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We are a Midwest contractor and have seen a significant jump in this recently especially in B & C properties. We do some fabrication work as well and are actually doing a test with a box we designed per one of our customers request for help. The box lets envelopes pass through but guards against them being pulled back up and actually helps snag the wires and strings with the adhesive that thief's are using. This is a brand new box that we've designed that we feel confident will dramatically reduce this type of theft.
Posted 7 years 5 months ago
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Do not use drop boxes.
Use electronic fund transfer.
Just set it up with your bank.
Get your tenant to sign an agreement and provide a void cheque or their bank info.
Once set up monthly withdrawal is automatic.
Posted 9 years 4 months ago
We must be lucky..We've never had any issues with our drop box. Ours is mounted to the outside of our community center. I think we ordered it from PeachTree. It locks, and when the slot is opened to put a check inside, you only have about an inch of clearance. If there was a theft issue, I think I would just take down the box and residents would have to pay in person, through the mail, or online. As a resident, I think I would prefer the peace of mind knowing my payment wasn't going to be stolen, over the slight inconvenience of having to drop off during office hours.
Posted 9 years 4 months ago
We are required to have a drop box so residents can pay rent 24/7. When I first came to my property, it was a standard mail slot in the door, with a drop box on the inside. I have fairly skinny arms, so I could easily reach through the slot to the bottom of the box. And if I could, so could someone else! So we installed a metal bracket inside to make the slot just wide enough for papers to fit through. I don't see how someone could use a tool to put in and pull payments out, and we haven't had an issue at my location, but I know of several other communities that have had issues with money order theft.

What we have done is instituted an online payment system. Residents can use a checking account, debit card, or credit card. They can make individual one time payments or set up recurring payments.

For residents without online accounts or those that want to pay cash, we have a program called WIPS- Walk in Payment Systems. They can pay in person instantly at the grocery store at a check cashing place.
Posted 9 years 4 months ago
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Kim Evans
Please do not be fooled by the rent drops that have the anti-aging device, the ones that have the serrated edge. We purchased one of these for $750 and felt "safe" enough to let our residents use it again only to have more money orders stolen. I would recommend to take them out all together.
Posted 9 years 4 months ago
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Patsy Bagwell
Hi, Tracy,

Can you give me some information on the type of box that you used? Maybe the name of it and where you pruchased it.

Thank you so much,

Patsy Bagwell
Posted 9 years 5 months ago