Reply: Most Common Problem With Success In Social Media

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Thanks for the mention, Brent!

I wouldn't say that companies are absolutely wasting their time if they don't have a "social media strategy." I think it's more important to look for ways to incorporate social components into a broader communication strategy, and make sure you have that broader strategy right first. When you get that right, it becomes pretty clear where you need to be and what works there.
Posted 13 years 3 months ago
Thanks for sharing Kaitlyn! This part of the survey drives me absolutely crazy. At least 93% of responders are using at least one social network (Facebook) and yet only 59% have a social media strategy. This means that 34% of responders are almost completely wasting their time. Ok, maybe not every one of them - maybe a couple randomly stumbled on social media success without having a strategy, but the vast majority of those communities are simply not going to get anything from their labor investment. And that doesn't count those in the 59% category that have severely flawed strategies... There are some really quality companies out there to help with creating strategy that it truly is a shame that there are any out there at all with this problem. Try out Firebelly Marketing, 30Lines, several independent consultants like Toni Blake, David Kotowski and Charity Hisle, plus I'll bet some of the service providers such as 4Walls ResPage and Fetch+ would help provide strategy, as well. (Sorry if I missed anyone - this was purely stream of thought!)
Posted 13 years 3 months ago
Wow, I'm surprised as well that I missed this conversation 3 months ago. Glad it has been resuscitated.

Here's my $.02 that I know are echoed by most folks who have dealt with their companies social media responsibilities.

1.) Social media is about interaction, period.

2.) It's not about marketing and not about sales.

3.) However this interaction leads to more acceptance of marketing and hence more sales.

Talk about a conumdrum.
Posted 13 years 3 months ago
Honestly, I think the most common problem with having success in social media is very simple. We need to remember what social media means...really, it's not about advertising, it's not about promoting. You may be thinking...what?!! That is exactly what it is. I disagree. What do you do when you go to a party? You mingle, you small talk, you laugh, play games, have fun, reunite with friends, make new friends...this is what social media was ultimately designed to do. This is why it is so powerful. It's a constant, party online that anyone can jump into and add their 2 cents to. So yes, advertising & promoting can happen on social media applications but it is most effective when used in a way that you would talk about it with real friends at a real party.

Would you open the door at a Super Bowl party and yell "Hey, come check out my 3 bedroom apartment, great location, sign YOUR lease today!!!"? You (hopefully) are saying, no Alisha, I wouldn't do that. Then really, it should not be happening on social media applications. Social media is a fabulous tool to build relationships with tenants, to create that family-like connection. Prospects will come across this on facebook pages and what to be a part of that community. Just remember, this doesn't happen over night. It is something that builds over a long period of time, but no worries because like any party, once you get a good group together the momentum begins, the laughs go on and on, and the friendship circle gets bigger and bigger. People will be attracted to your business because you're likable. This is what social media can do for you. It's powerful and no money can buy this. The problem is people don't have patience to understand this. Sit back. Have fun. and Party. :)
Posted 13 years 3 months ago
This is a GREAT discussion and I'm only sorry I didn't join in sooner. I work for a vendor as their social network marketing specialist and it's a constant challenge everyday to get people to follow your FB page or twitter account etc. I honestly believe that it's a precise mix between traditional media and social media. You look anywhere nowadays and you will see follow us on Facebook/ Twitter; on store signs, TV commercials, on the radio and in magazines.

A lot of it goes back to the old marketing question, what's in it for them? Why would would these people want to read or watch what I'm putting out? But remember great content can only go so far. If you put out awesome blogs or posts but you only have a few followers than nothing really is going to come of it.

Let's keep this discussion going!
Posted 13 years 3 months ago
Just checking back on old comments and noticed I never posted the results here to my social media survey way back when. Here's a link to the report!

Sorry for the delay!
Posted 13 years 3 months ago