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First Impression Failure at Quiznos

First Impression Failure at Quiznos

While searching for a lunch spot in Atlanta today, I stumbled upon a Quiznos. I was disappointed to see that "management" has reserved position A in the parking lot for themselves! While shooting this pic, two cars pulled into the spot and rolled on out with a puzzled look on their faces. This one sign says so much about how this restaurant feels about their customers. Let's call it, management before customers.

Each week I visit apartment communities all over the country. Sure, most of them have "future resident parking" signs in front of their leasing center. The trouble is, the team does not respect these spaces and they choose to park in the VIP spot. Don't you think we should make our residents feel like VIP's?

Before I jump off this point, I want to discuss your beloved golf cart. While I love this little gem as much as the next leasing consultant, it should not be parked in a future resident spot. A better plan is to put it at the end of the amenity corridor. This placement encourages the leasing team to walk through the amenities at the start and end of the tour. The amenities add value to the apartment the customer is leasing. Set your leasing tour up for success. Nough Said!


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