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Solution Scalability is Essential to Effective Package Management

Solution Scalability is Essential to Effective Package Management

pexels-ketut-subiyanto-4246065 When onsite teams are forced to manage package volume, other areas of operations suffer.

Package volume keeps climbing at multifamily communities as e-commerce activity continues to escalate. Property management companies often deploy solutions like package lockers or rooms to ease the burden on their onsite teams. But few package management systems offer the scalability to handle the volume that accompanies the holiday season or other surges in online consumerism.

During those seasonal shopping events, the influx of packages arriving at multifamily communities easily surpasses the capacity of onsite solutions like package lockers and package rooms. When those physical facilities overflow, carriers routinely leave packages wherever they can find space. That means packages are left in the open, unprotected and cluttering multifamily communities. The situation created is ripe for theft and missing packages, impacting resident satisfaction and renewal rates.

The problem is compounded by the stress and burden placed on the shoulders of the onsite teams charged with package management responsibilities when onsite solutions aren't up to the task. While daily package volume levels often require associate involvement, during the holiday season or events like Amazon Prime Day the package influx becomes overwhelming. This year, the first day of Prime Day in July was the single largest sales day in Amazon's history. Globally, Prime members purchased more than 375 million items, many of which arrived at multifamily communities. According to Fetch, total package volume is expected to increase by up to 21% in 2023.

When onsite teams are forced to manage package volume, other areas of operations suffer. The number of hours required to receive, store, send notifications and distribute packages during an e-commerce surge leaves little time to focus on resident services. To ensure a seamless resident experience, multifamily operators require a package management solution that doesn't place demands on associates' time.

A Scalable Solution

The primary issue with package lockers and package rooms is that their capacity is finite. At many multifamily communities, daily package volume has already exceeded the available storage space. Without the ability to scale alongside e-commerce trends, onsite package solutions are simply unsustainable.

Progressive property managers are looking outside the box, as well as off site, for their package management solutions. Third-party package management partners with off-site receiving and storage capabilities work directly with residents, through an app, to schedule direct-to-door delivery. Using off-site storage warehouses, resident packages are secure and cared for without capacity concerns, even during peak e-commerce seasons or events. Third-party package management also eliminates package liability issues for property managers, since packages aren't stored at properties and associates don't handle packages.

Removing onsite team members from the package management equation erases a tremendous time commitment, as well as a source of undue stress, which promotes job satisfaction and associate retention. The scalable nature of off-site package management means team members won't be pulled away from their primary responsibilities to manage package overflow, making them more productive. With residents managing their own package deliveries, property teams can focus on the rest of their responsibilities, from leasing to event programming to impromptu resident requests. That consistent, undivided attention to service creates a seamless resident experience, driving NOI and elevating overall property performance. 


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