Reply: Excessive noise or not?

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Dana Galia
There is noise ordinance between 8am to 10pm.
If noise is greater than 55 Decibels during day it is noise violation in Bellevue Washington.
You don’t have to tolerate it.
If management is not help, take the tenants to Court.
Posted 2 months 2 weeks ago
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The thing is, if being after hours, one needs to understand there do exist "Quiet Hours" from 10 pm to 7-8 am. Another tenant should not have to hear a music Bass beat, TV dialogue or amplified rumbling, thundering sounds upon their ceiling or from an adjoining wall. In addition, those stomping, racing back and forth, forcefully slamming after hours, etc., are not caring to be conscious of others whom most likely are on a nighttime sleep schedule.

It should not just loosely be deemed "apartment living", building construction or having one feel entitled since they too pay rent, but should be considered how impact sounds will travel thru walls and ceilings. Frankly, what is described should not have to be invasively heard at ANY hour, which can feel like an act of aggression invading one's space.

Having experienced many neighbors over a stretch of several years, most of whom I did not hear excessive noise from or any sounds at all, having apparently been conscious and respectful. It has only been a few later on -- and appearing to be same personality.... they want what they want, are self-involved, possibly narcissistic and can be retaliatory if even nicely asking for their assistance in this matter. I feel badly for those having to endure such a personality, when there exist others whom are not at all like that.
Posted 9 months 1 week ago
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Yes. Normal amounts of noise in the middle of the night are perfectly legal and for some, normal. I work 3rd shift full-time so two nights a week I'm at my apartment above people, awake, and walking around. It's just how I operate due to my working hours. I don't make excess noise, I don't play my TV super loud, or blast music etc... (in otherwords, I try to remain empathetic and understanding that others are trying to exist/sleep around me) but I am up and walking around at 11pm, 12a, 1a, all the way to around 5 or 6am. My TV is on, I do talk on the phone or to my roomates sometimes. That's my life. It's no different than when I go to sleep, during the day from around 6a-ish to around 3p-ish. Other people talk, or walk around, do chores, or watch TV, play music or whatever they do, (typically much louder too because that's more acceptable), but I just have to accept that people have a different schedule than I do. Some people get home from work at 11pm at night, and prefer to be awake at night AFTER they get off, just like you do. That's extremely normal.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't maybe try to reach out to see if a compromise could be made, or that you shouldn't call the police/property manager if there is actually loud or excessive noise after quiet hours. What I am saying is that maybe you should have some empathy and understanding for someone who might operate a bit different than you do. Sometimes in life, people operate different to how we do, and we have to just suck it up and learn to live with it.
Posted 10 months 3 weeks ago
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Yes. Normal amounts of noise in the middle of the night are perfectly legal and for some, normal. I work 3rd shift full-time so two nights a week I'm at my apartment above people, awake, and walking around. It's just how I operate due to my working hours. I don't make excess noise, I don't play my TV super loud, or blast music etc... (in otherwords, I try to remain empathetic and understanding that others are trying to exist/sleep around me) but I am up and walking around at 11pm, 12a, 1a, all the way to around 5 or 6am. My TV is on, I do talk on the phone or to my roomates sometimes. That's my life. It's no different than when I go to sleep, during the day from around 6a-ish to around 3p-ish. Other people talk, or walk around, do chores, or watch TV, play music or whatever they do, (typically much louder too because that's more acceptable), but I just have to accept that people have a different schedule than I do. Some people get home from work at 11pm at night, and prefer to be awake at night AFTER they get off, just like you do. That's extremely normal.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't maybe try to reach out to see if a compromise could be made, or that you shouldn't call the police/property manager if there is actually loud or excessive noise after quiet hours. What I am saying is that maybe you should have some empathy and understanding for someone who might operate a bit different than you do. Sometimes in life, people operate different to how we do, and we have to just suck it up and learn to live with it.
Posted 10 months 3 weeks ago
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What about at 11pm? I have a neighbor that has wood floors. Their 'entertainment room' is directly above my bedroom, so I'm frequently hearing them moving around upstairs. They also have a dog. They they frequently make noise in that room AFTER 10 in almost every night. It's 10:36 here, and I'm hearing them in that room right now. I don't care about the noise they make during the's the noise they make at night that upsets me, because it wakes me up when I'm trying to sleep. And thanks to my incredible hearing, it's even worse for me. My hearing is so good that it is similar to having hyperacusis. So even though I sleep like the dead, that noise is enough to both wake me up and prevent me from falling to sleep. Is it legal if she's making normal amounts of noise in the middle of the night? Because I think I'm going to have to make a formal complaint with the police due to the fact that my landlord is refusing to intervene. her take is that she's within her rights due to the face that it's just her walking around, mine is that walking around at 11pm, 12 am, 1 am, and even 2 am isn't normal OR acceptable.
Posted 11 months 10 hours ago
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That would be great, and better carpet paddind would drinker help where i live but my landlords are insanely cheap and some of the stuff hasn't been updated in at least 30 or 40 years
Posted 11 months 4 days ago