Reply: How do you generate traffic for your property?

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Steve Jones
We use our Google Business Listing. We hired a company called America's Finest 360 to
come and do a Google Virtual Tour of our property. It came out amazing and it is on our
Facebook and Website too.They work nation wide.

Here is there contact info

[email protected]
Posted 5 years 10 months ago
Marisa Ozburn
Zillow, Apartmentlist, Craigslist and Apartment Guide! Not to mention tenant referral bonuses and word of mouth
Posted 5 years 10 months ago
Stacy Durham-Hartley
I have been in the industry for several years and have never seen anything like "Knock!" It is by far the best at generating traffic, tracking traffic, appt setting, etc...
Posted 5 years 10 months ago
Christian Lee
Also check your reviews and work on reputation management if necessary.
Posted 5 years 10 months ago
Beverly Caceres
I read some advice that I think is going to help all of us during the non-peak season: ~It will always be easier to double your business by doubling your conversion ratios than doubling your leads~ **Have your manager call those tours you could not convert to rentals, find creative ways to entice to phone/e-leads to come in for a tour now rather than later, and maybe even call the leads that toured last year around this time-- they might not be renewing at their current property.
Posted 5 years 10 months ago
Kathy Terry
A-Flyer, outside marketing, resident referrals, locators
Posted 5 years 10 months ago