Reply: Advice please - What is a good thing to say to Residents who ask why we have dogs outside our pet restrictions

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Billy Aamodt
Something simple like "that pet is approved to be at this property" is a way to say "we know, it's allowed, mind your business"
Posted 2 years 3 months ago
Doug Miller
If enough people ask, post something once a quarter on your property portal about the dog policy and note that the exceptions are service animals and ESAs. Maybe include something in your move in folder too. Even cite local regulations and the company policy that apply. Use positive positive messaging.
Posted 2 years 3 months ago
Hannah Hutchinson
All the answers above are great! Have your PM company research using PetScreening to help take that part of the process off of your hands, streamline your system and help to stay compliant with federal guidelines!!
Posted 2 years 3 months ago
Judy Newton
This is why restrictions are rediculous! Most major insurance companies no longer have restrictions. I called my State Farm Agent to get an additional policy for my Dogo Argentino and was told I have $300,000 in liability and it covered him. Owners are going to have to drop this excuse soon. I don’t understand size restrictions either. I got that changed at the last property I managed because I asked why. My DM said how would you like having a 200 pound dog above you? I said I have 3 , 400 pound people above me now and a 200 pound dogs weight is distributed between four feet not 2. She thought I had a good point. We don’t have issues with our large breeds. We have a couple of dogs who are muzzled outside. It’s called responsible owners.
Posted 2 years 3 months ago
Andria Antoine
Thanks for your concern. We can't discuss other residents but i can assure you that We're in compliance will all local and federal laws.

You can't say anything about fair housing, service or support animals (esa) because that indicates the person with restricted breed has a disability and you can't disclose or imply that.
Posted 2 years 3 months ago
Peggy Bromberg
I cannot discuss another residents information with you.
Posted 2 years 3 months ago