Reply: Has anyone else hit a dry leasing season?? Rents have gone up almost $600-700!

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Sid Beckley

Any rough estimate of how much they cost? Thank you!
Posted 1 year 6 months ago
Kiely Barrett
Usually winter months in Colorado are typically pretty slow, picking up March through September. We're exceptionally busy right now, but primarily due to a price reduction. Have you considered where you're advertising? Maybe bump your ILS package to the next level?
Posted 1 year 7 months ago
Heather Fleeger
Make sure you have a good online reputation! When you Google search “best apartments in….(fill in your city” pay attention those communities that are listed towards the top, and are not paid ads. Those are your higher Google scored communities. Be them! If you’re not, get yourself on a tool that will help!
Posted 1 year 7 months ago
Amy Gruver
It's no longer fun to be in our business
Posted 1 year 7 months ago
Christine Heffran
Carletta Richardson-Cheeseboro there is always a reason and purpose for the things that happen in life - right?! Stay positive and keep the basics of property management in play. Staffing is so tough nowadays. Sorry to hear how hard it’s been but happy you will be in a better place
Posted 1 year 7 months ago
Christine Heffran girl! I am moving to a smaller property….. found that out today! Have not had stable staff since employed. 6 people have quit due to the complicated dynamics we have been dealing with. Occupied renovations are a beast. I am going to a smaller property…… but all is well. When removed, they will clearly see it was never me. I am managing a property….. l was never allowed to “manage”. I am dusting myself off….. the tears are dried…… and l am okay with understanding the things l have no control over.
Posted 1 year 7 months ago