Reply: Resident moves into a mold free unit. After living there for 7 months they report mold that…

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I hold them responsible for all damages.
Posted 1 year 4 months ago
Take sample and send to lab.
Posted 1 year 4 months ago
Magnolia Ridge Gaffney
i explain how to clean and kill any type of bacteria that is assumed mold. I also explain that the assumed mold was not present at the time of move in and true mold does not just appear that quickly. I try to help understand the differences in mildew and mold and different care and still test for the potential to have all bases covered.
Posted 1 year 4 months ago
Eva Miller
The Bitcoin price remains in a near term pullback phase after a strong rally of four weeks, with increasing open interest, funding rates, and estimated leverage ratio as it managed to close above the 21-day MA, 21-day EMA and $60k, which is a near-term positive signal, but the leverage ratio is still elevated, suggesting there is still the risk of a shakeout. In that case, the price zone is likely to serve as a strong technical and onchain support level to watch. As big as Bitcoin is now, it's a mere fraction of what it will be so it never too late, one important note is to follow the guidance of a professional vt<in three weeks of trading Ihave been able to make 9.2 bc using signalsfrom Nilda Gibson. SHe can easily be reached via search engine or Facebook as #NildaGibson
Posted 1 year 4 months ago
Nancy Guthrie
If it’s bathroom we have exhaust fans that run all the time . Not loud and saves many from mold
Posted 1 year 4 months ago
Do you have any documentation to support your claim that it's caused by the resident and not a problem with the apartment?
Posted 1 year 4 months ago