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Valerie M Sargent

Audiences leave this session feeling inspired and often moved to tears, ready to handle life gracefully and make a difference in the world around them. This motivating presentation tells an important story of perseverance that won't soon be forgotten. It will educate, allowing attendees to learn some basics of Emotional Intelligence, and to understand how your EQ is involved in ensuring mental strength during challenging times. It will also motivate, helping you discover more about improving your outlook, building positive habits, and increasing your tenacity while handling stressful situations. What are you willing to do when the going gets tough? Take away tips for perseverance that you can rely on to increase your mental strength to better enable you to achieve your goals and dreams.

  • Discover 3 key questions to employ to enhance your Self-Awareness so you can recognize your emotions more quickly to manage them better
  • Learn 4 coping strategies grounded in commitment and acceptance therapies
  • Find out how to keep going when you feel defeated, employing the 3 defining characteristics of resilient people

Join Valerie M. Sargent and the Webinar Wednesday Team on January 26, 2022 at 2pm Eastern Time To Increase Your Mental Strength!

A special thanks to  Leonardo247 and 


Leonardo 247  Reach 


* Each registration is good for one attendee OR one on-site team. If you would like multiple attendees, group viewing events, or other needs, please contact us.