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Preventive Maintenance Monday 🔧

Calling all Regionals, Property Managers and Maintenance Supervisors 🚨have you and your teams scheduled occupied unit inspections? I challenge onsite teams to come together 🏆and schedule unit inspections for the month of 📅 March! Let's reduce those work orders by Spring 🌸Drop your dates in the comments!
#preativemaintenance #teamwork #reduceworkorderchallegne #inspections

Preventive Maintenance Monday 🔧<br /><br />Calling all Regionals, Property Managers and Maintenance Supervisors 🚨have you and your teams scheduled occupied unit inspections? I challenge onsite teams to come together 🏆and schedule unit inspections for the month of 📅 March! Let's reduce those work orders by Spring 🌸Drop your dates in the comments! <br />#preativemaintenance #teamwork #reduceworkorderchallegne #inspections
Lilah Poltz Great reminder Moneque Horsey!
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