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Managing the Multifamily Package Predicament: Enhancing Security, Saving Time

Managing the Multifamily Package Predicament: Enhancing Security, Saving Time

iStock-1248789819 The increasing volume of packages during peak leasing season creates additional liability and strains even the most advanced onsite package management systems.

Multifamily communities experience a surge in activity during the peak leasing season, typically spanning the spring and summer months. During this period, a flurry of new renters arriving, existing residents renewing leases and an influx of prospects seeking living spaces can present challenges for property managers. This chaos can also lead to higher incidences of package theft.

Today's renters, particularly younger demographics, love to shop online. This means more packages on properties, at all times. These factors make communities fertile ground for package thefts. In 2023, approximately 119 million packages valued at $8 billion were stolen from residences, with 32% of these thefts occurring in apartment settings. This growing issue not only affects residents but also has significant repercussions for management teams, shippers and retailers. This impacts costs, time efficiency and reputations across the board and diverts everyone's attention away from other critical tasks.

The Importance of Seamless Package Management

To maintain a well-run community, efficient package management is a critical component. Residents expect a hassle-free living experience, and any hiccups can solidify negative perceptions. Conversely, accurate, timely, and secure package management can foster a positive perspective. To remain competitive, teams must direct their time and energy toward nurturing qualified leads and delivering exceptional service.

Package management consumes considerable time, assuming leasing offices even have the space to store an influx of packages. Package rooms can quickly become cluttered and disorganized, leading to poor space utilization and inefficiency. The increasing volume of packages during peak leasing season creates additional liability and strains even the most advanced onsite package management systems.

Comforts and Convenience of Outsourcing Package Management

The surge in package volume can overwhelm internal resources and capabilities. Disorganized package areas can lead to theft, damage or loss. Offsite third-party package delivery providers, however, prioritize service, security and accountability, mitigating these risks and protecting a community's reputation.

These companies have the infrastructure, data and resources to handle fluctuating package volumes seamlessly. Possessing an intimate knowledge of how package volumes fluctuate, they quickly adapt to the increased demand ensuring efficient handling and delivery without compromising service quality.Implementing and maintaining an in-house package management system can be capital-intensive, requiring time, infrastructure, and ongoing maintenance. Outsourcing helps avoid these upfront costs and provides the benefits from economies of scale offered by delivery service providers.

This solution also puts the power of package management in the hands of the residents. Instead of worrying whether their package is safe at their door or in a package room, they are provided the option to arrange deliveries at times more conducive to their schedules. If residents prefer, they can also allow a package to be left at the door and receive photo confirmation of delivery.

Premium Package Solutions Benefit All Stakeholders

The exact cost of package theft is difficult to pin down because retailers keep figures for shrinkage secret, preferring consumers focus on convenience rather than porch pirates. A study by Deutsche Bank Research found that packaging and shipping costs account for about 10% or 15% of sales. This means that replacement costs for a stolen item can be significant, and this cost can ultimately lead to higher prices overall for consumers.

It's also difficult to determine how harmful the negative reputation generated by frequent package theft is for the retailers and multifamily communities. Missing and replacing packages are top concerns for retailers, according to a 2022 report by the National Retail Federation.

It's not just about handling packages; it's about creating a positive living environment that fosters loyalty, attracts prospects and elevates the overall resident experience. By implementing proactive strategies and leveraging innovative solutions, communities can effectively navigate the challenges posed by increased package volumes and ensure a seamless resident experience. 


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