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5 Tips for Less Stress This Budget Season

5 Tips for Less Stress This Budget Season

5 Tips for Less Stress This Budget Season

Do you cringe when you hear the words “budget season?” If so, you’re certainly not alone. Budget season is a busy time for multifamily professionals. With numbers to crunch and dollars to stretch, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Take a deep breath and check out these 5 tips to help make this budget season a little less stressful in your office.

1. Stay Organized
Walking in to the office each morning and being greeted by a messy, disorganized desk is a guaranteed way to start your day off on a stressful note. So, at the end of each day, take a few minutes to organize your desk so you can start the next day with your paperwork organized and easy to find. 

2. Take a Break
Stand up and stretch. Take 5 deep breaths. Take a quick walk around the block. Stepping away from your desk every now and then allows you to clear your head so you’re mentally prepared to take on your next task.

3. Ask for Help
You don’t have to do everything yourself. Instead, delegate tasks to your team so you can all work together to ensure everything gets finished.

4. Make Your Health a Priority
During the busy budget season, it’s easy to put yourself last on your list of priorities. Don’t fall into that trap! Unhealthy habits like frequent trips to the vending machine and skimping on sleep can actually make you more stressed! Instead, make sure you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet, getting regular exercise and clocking enough sleep each night so you wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to bring your A-game to the office.  

5. Leave Your Work at Work
I know, I know. It’s easier said than done. But you’ll drive yourself (and your family and friends) crazy if you’re constantly checking your email at all hours of the day. Instead, carve out quality time with your family and friends --  free of work distractions! And stop checking emails a couple hours before bed so you can unwind before you go to sleep.

What are your tips for reducing stress during budget season? Please share in the comments below!


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