Reply: Taming Hallway Smells

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Do you think your method would work for the carpet in my building in front of my door? It smell like old building , mildew something old we recently had a water leak in the hallway, and various pee spots in the carpet from dogs.
Posted 9 months 3 days ago
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Kathl Kahny
I come in the morning and use a mix of tropical spring fabuloso and baking soda and water in a spray bottle. It works wonders for smoke.
Posted 1 year 3 months ago
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Anonymous It has a smell but it's not bad... but it kills the odor. You spray it on the carpet or use it in a carpet cleaning machine. Home Depot sells it.
Posted 10 years 9 months ago
I am an Assistant Resident Manager and i am currently in the middle of a transition to becoming a Community Manager on a different property within my company. One thing that I am currently having an issue with is the hallway smell in one of the buildings that i am working in. I've noticed that some of the hallways don't smell that great. I am in a high rise so there are no windows or openings in the halls and it seems that all the smells have recently started to leak into the hallways on some floors. Are there any recommendations to rid the halls of these smells without just layering other smells on top of what is already there?
Posted 10 years 10 months ago