Reply: Does anyone advertise on waze?

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Tammy Longo
I’ve done it and it was affordable and effective for the money. We didn’t see direct leases but, recognition and word of mouth referrals. It was worth it for the money.
Posted 6 years 1 week ago
Laurel Zacher
We do! We spend $60/mo and get a CPC around $1.15.
Posted 6 years 1 week ago
Stephanie Grover Drake
I looked into it and the customer comments were a good read. People using the app hate the ads and pop ups and ROI is too low and hard to track. I think this works depending on your business type
Posted 6 years 1 week ago
Terez Lambert
I agree! I think it really helps with visibility though like you said, I’m not sure about leases. I like that the spend is adjustable based on preference too
Posted 6 years 1 week ago
Wendy DeMayo
We use it for branding new construction properties. A ton of impressions and visibility. Can’t attribute leases to it yet but for a couple of hundred dollars a month, I’m okay with it. No ads, just a pin with our logo. Terez Lambert any other thoughts?
Posted 6 years 1 week ago
Brenda Andrews Sherrill
We do. I set my pricing to just $60 a month. I don’t necessarily get traffic from the app, but it gets my name in front of a lot of people.
Posted 6 years 1 week ago