Reply: What do you do with your residents who just won't stop complaining?

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Janice Marcum Quill
document everything, require all correspondence by email so that you have good documentation. When a resident threatens you with an attorney don't fall into that game, just tell her you have always done everything within your power for any of her requests, that your sorry she feels that way, but if that is what she feels she needs to do then by all means please do so. No attorney will want to take this and I am sure she does not want to pay big bucks to get one. This cuts that nonsense right off. Give her a 30 day notice to move Good Luck.
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
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Cathy Cornett
I normally tell them to make a police report & let them investigate, they are trained for that & we aren't. I'm not going to accuse anyone of anything based on what she thinks, let the experts handle it. We also have the handy trak key system so there would be a record of who requested their key, scanned it out & back in. With coded key tags no one can just open the box & know where those apt keys are hanging.
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
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Frank Venable
This is hear say was told never research truth my self believe it easy with what been seen in past. Had old timer explain when I ask why we run into so many issues from tenants like yours. Tell friends and family that has nothing to do with property they think no doubt your tenant crazy or has agenda. He said it because 60% of ppl that rent do so because there unable to handle responsibilities that come with ownership. That 75% of all pending lawsuit on file waiting for a court date are filed on behalf of someone that's renting there living space. In the hopes of throwing enough chit at everyone until some stick and someone makes a mistake that give there nest egg. It's there belief as only path to ownership without commitment or responsibility. Seen it accomplished to many times for need of my research. In this industry expect the unexpected. Never act on assuming find truth first. Always expect your being watched. Never give a answer to a question asked that not related to any of your job responsibilities. Documen write as happens. Short pencil work better than long memories
Document. Pictures Video recording keep all on file
Document. Tag team. Get others involved with all issues
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
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Alicia Cledaras
Be careful in whatever you choose. She appears to be on a quest to sue. A non-renewal could come back to haunt you. Does she have any lease violations?
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
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Bianca Carlson
I would offer a 30 day renewal just to be safe and not “retaliate”. If she doesn’t sign, GREAT! If she does sign and she complains, let her know she only has to give 30 days to vacate!
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
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Teri Poff
I'm so sorry that you're going through such a stressful situation. I've dealt with similar situations many times (in over 20 years of property management). I've also had clise friends who have had to deal with situations like this. The good news is, it sounds like you are being supported. The better news is, it's very rare when a difficult resident follows through with a threat of taking you to court. The best advice given to me in property management has been "document, document, document". In the meantime, if you need to enter the apartment within the 30-Day Notice..., make sure more than one person goes in and document again. I hope the 30 days go by quickly and uneventful for you and your team!
Posted 5 years 6 months ago