Reply: I'm struggling with angry resident fatigue

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There are the tough customers and tough days!
2 things I encourage and have done:
One of the big benefits of our career is that you can go on "walkabout!" When a resident has just sandblasted you with negatives you can go walk vacants, walk your property, go to the bank, shop for office supplies, go some happier place and BREATHE!
The 2nd is that, YES, there are those grinch customers (as Anne Sadovsky has said, the ones that put the CUSS in customer service!) But there are the ones that have blessed you as well! I like to write down the stories of the ones that brought cookies, left a note thanking the staff, shared a life moment and you were able to help them...Keep a journal of those moments and read them on the days you are afraid you may go postal on someone!
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
Ashley Shaffier
Thanks everyone for the advice, support and positivity. It’s much appreciated!
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
Char Cleary
The best advice I've received - Assume positive intent. It changes your perspective radically. The folks coming to you so angry and upset just want an outcome that will fit their idea of what will make their life better. they simply don't know how to express it properly. When you look at it like that and respond in kind, you know you are doing your best. When you walk out at the end of the day, you can leave it in the office. Don't look at your emails after hours unless required. Create some kind of buffer between work and home - walk around the block, anything to signal to your brain that work is done for the night or weekend.
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
Deborah Kay Volker
You have to learn not to take it personal and find something that works for you... for me it's reading, every night when I get home I find a quiet spot and read for an hour to shut off from the day/week. My family and friends know this is my quiet time to clear my head so I do not take the daily stress out of them.
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
Jeff Proebstle
What a raw and awesome post. Hang in there, it’s a business, but it’s amazing how much you care!
Posted 5 years 6 months ago
Melissa Gardner
Property management eventually got to me so bad I had to get out. I became very judgmental and bitter. I've let it all go since then but I pray I never have to manage property again. It was between the tenants and corporate office and some of the regionals. Working section 8 I was assulted by a tenant, had a murder suicide, another man set fire and killed his family. I could on and on...even the good properties...every body has a lawyer but can't pay the rent. Godbless you all. I can't do it again.
Posted 5 years 6 months ago