Reply: Amazon locker vs Luxer locker Which one is better?

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Selena Phoot
I feel like Luxer is better because ppl don’t realize that the carriers are the problem not the locker system. Legit I’ve had so many misplaced packages and investigations that always show the carrier putting it somewhere other than where they said. And it’s always the Amazon carriers that misplace my packages or leave it outside the locker w out scanning it in. If you really look at the facts I can call Luxer and get an answer in 5 seconds Amazon answers the next day. 
Posted 2 years 4 months ago
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Entarda did a system update and now works with Amazon lockers
Posted 5 years 1 month ago
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We installed Amazon and have had NO issues at all even our carriers have caught on fairly quickly! Our residents have reported their satisfaction as well. The install was easy, set up was a breeze and resident & carrier training has been relatively simple. As a team we have made it our mission to make the transition simple and have worked to ensure that every resident has any training they need on using the locker system a priority.

I cant speak for Luxer as I have not personally used it, what I can say is that Amazon was very cost effective and does not carry the additional fees that some of the other companies have. For us when evaluating our choices Amazon was the clear winner.
Posted 5 years 1 month ago
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Amy Justus Katz
Luxer is amazing from a resident perspective
Posted 5 years 2 months ago
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Karen Kennedy Haze
Smiota lockers
Posted 5 years 2 months ago
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Jessica Derkis
We've had the Amazon Hub for a year and three of our sister communities have Luxer. I have to say that I like Amazon way better. All are only as good as your delivery people and them consistently using the system. But for security, I'm an Amazon fan.
Posted 5 years 2 months ago