Reply: What would you tell your “younger self” about your career in property management?

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Ellen Lang
On-site management has its perks; and attractive benefits.
However, there’s no free lunch! Management is 24/7 and constant issues and demands. Excellent customer service is key. So, if you’re willing to make that level of commitment, then go for it!
Posted 4 years 10 months ago
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Tracy Daves
Posted 5 years 1 week ago
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Don't take anything personally. Don't make anything personal.

It's a job. Do it right. Go home at the end of day.
Posted 5 years 1 week ago
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Heidi Smith
Pray for the best outcomes but plan for the worst. Don't believe everyone, but don't become too afraid to trust the right people. Don't want things for people worse than they want them for themselves. Start a gratitude journal and write down the things that make you thankful each day. No matter how many distractions arise and no matter how loud the noise around you becomes, be present in the moment and cherish the people who make your job worthwhile.
Posted 5 years 1 week ago
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Kathi Blatz
I started my career in property management about 3 years ago after decades in health care. Best thing I ever did. I was lucky enough to land this job as simply being a good tenant who helped out the owners when one of them was going on a month long trip so i learned the billing, then they hired me to do leasing on the east side, and then, as they were about to leave for a week long trip out of the country, our building manager up and quit and I just said 'don't worry, i got it' and when they came back they offered me a full time job. Sometimes things work in mysterious ways. I have learned soooo soooo much and yes, it's a 24/7 job a lot of the time, but so rewarding despite some of the crazy stuff tenants do. It's taken my customer service to a whole new level. I"m grateful for the opportunity and for knowing that my bosses trust me to run the show without them for periods of time knowing it's in good hands.
Posted 5 years 2 weeks ago
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Deanna Duarte
After 28yrs it hit me hard Dr said 6ft down or find another career. Realize your value to yourself because the next day you can be replaced. Owners don't care how you make them their money especially when they don't put into their properties. Find a company that cares about you and values your hard work. Don't be afaid to move to another company. Don't trust all in the work place. And if someone wants your job so bad let them have it and move to a better company. And please take care of you and know when to say enough is enough.
Posted 5 years 2 weeks ago