Reply: Anyone have some good golf cart stories?

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At one of my earliest properties I worked at, most of the buildings were up on top of a steep hill that you could access from two different directions. We didn't realize that our golf cart didn't connect to the charger well the night before and about half way up the hill with 3 quite a bit bigger people on the cart, it wouldn't go anymore. It just stalled because of the weight.

Two of the gentleman prospects were kind enough to push me and the other lady the remaining way up the hill, laughing about it the whole way. But, OMG, it was embarrassing. They thought it was such a funny story and I was mortified, but we glided back down the hill after seeing the 2 BR quite easily.

Somehow, they leased. LOL.
Posted 3 years 5 months ago
So it's a doozy.... driving back to the office with a prospect in the golf cart when i rounded the corner and started down the hill back towards the office. Just chit chatting enjoying the tour when i tried braking and no brakes.

Me: Ma'am, it looks like we aren't going to be able to brake and we are picking up speed.

Prospect: Curse word, curse word, curse word.

Me: (rolling down the hill and warp speed. thinking to myself, how in the world am i going to get this thing stopped. Ok Ma'am. Brace yourself.

Golf Cart: Reaching the bottom of the hill at top speed, she hits the curb at full force- Somehow causing it to become airborne. We fly over the grass and land face first into the scrubs outside of the office.

Me: Still holding on with white knuckles. I look over and i see my prospect has either leapt to freedom at some point while in the air or has been knocked out of said Cart.

Me: Ma'am are you ok? Let me help you up. Can I get you some water? (because apparently water is what anyone needs at a crime scene)

Prospect: No I'm fine.

Longest Walk back into the office: I'm so sorry. Let me get your license.

Prospect: Not a peep.

Me: Well, I look forward to having you move it. What a great story, right?

Follow UP: She didn't lease.
Posted 3 years 5 months ago
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Larry Berry
Hilly property in North Carolina. Service person gets out to pick something up and doesn't apply the brakes. There were three cars at the bottom of the hill, a new Mercedes, a beat up Honda, and an older pick-up truck with the back bumper missing. Guess which car it elected to hit.
Posted 3 years 6 months ago
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Bonnie Beauchamp
The one where I drove into a residents truck with my golf cart or the one where the golf cart was stolen and drove past the leasing office?!
Posted 3 years 6 months ago
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Shanon Jones
Carmen M. Franchino Professional Football player...linebacker...gets in passenger side and the whole cart tips on one side. He starts laughing causing the whole cart to shake! I say ummm I think you are going to have to walk dude! Leasing agent and I taking a tour of the property and the battery starts to die. We don't want to push it so we keep hitting the gas and it starts stops jerking uphill. We are laughing so hard the whole time! April fools week sent a text with an image of a golf cart in a pond that looked like ours to maintenance. 2 seconds after the text I get a call from him and he says I told you that was going to happen. I died laughing!
Posted 3 years 6 months ago
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Tammie Birdwell
When I worked on-site, there was one time I was showing a prospect right after a rain. My porter had dried off the seats but when I turned left, about 1 1/2 gallons of rain water splashed out of the right side of the canopy! Fortunately, the prospect was sitting far enough from the edge that they didn't get too wet.
Posted 3 years 6 months ago