Reply: My heart is sad today. A terrific Service Tech is leaving the property (and the industry) where I have lived since 2007.

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Cesar Argueta Castellanos
I worked 6 years in the industry and pretty quickly realized how one sided it was. Managers were constantly taken out for lunches, dinners, golfing, etc. While the service side of things got maybe 4 days a year to be included on things like that. Saw so many hard working men & women leave the industry from being overworked and underapreciated. I hope that management companies start treating everyone at the properties equally.
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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Mark Harrell
It will be nice to work for company that appreciates there employees again until then I'll have to appreciate myself
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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Anna M Burdine
It absolutely matters. Never give up rooting for your people

I didn’t take anything mean. I preach all damn day almost every day about how important maintenance is. It makes our world go round. Like I said. We have to take care of each other. Advocate for them as their office staff, their manager, their regional and bang on doors, jump up and down. If they are worth keeping. Keep them! Spend a day working with them. Get to know them. If you can’t get anyone to pay them more do everything you can to assist and lighten their load. So yeah we’re all here typing. No ones being ugly no one take it that way. I didn’t mean to sound rude. This is a platform where we can all relate and talk it out. We’re all here for each other.
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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Lisa Bowman Starks
Please know I did not mean that response to sound snippy or mean…tone doesn’t come through online.
Here’s the thing, though many people do not consider this when they post, groups like this often contain people who have influence within management companies…be it ones who are genuinely curious what challenges their onsite teams face that they might could remedy or ones who monitor for employees violating company guidelines and policies in what they share on social media. Regardless of why they are here…they are and they read. By and large the people who make posts like this one about service staff being undervalued are people at the site level…those who can certainly advocate on their service team’s behalf to the company…but not people who can actually fix the issue of the mass exodus from the field and shrinking candidate pools due to the opportunity for them to take those same skills to industrial maintenance or private repair companies and have both better working conditions and pay in most cases. So while you may be tired of reading the posts, if enough higher ups at enough management companies keep seeing posts just like this and a few of them start making a change to value these indispensable employees in order to attract the best of the best that are still hanging in there, before long the majority of companies will have no choice but to follow suit because every property needs maintenance!! So if you’re sick of reading about it, feel free to skip over these posts…but if you are in this industry with the intent of making it your career, it should matter to you too because your picture looks like you are far younger than me so you have a lot more years to go and if someone doesn’t bring awareness of this problem to the attention of management companies while there are still people out there to hire then your job in the office will get harder and harder because without maintenance there is no resident satisfaction, there is no curb appeal, there are no move in or show ready units…and without those things it’s really hard to get renewals or lease apartments. So regardless of whether you are on the office side, the maintenance side or the corporate side…this issue should matter to you.
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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Lisa Bowman Starks
Most of the people talking WOULD do it if they had the choice.
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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Anna M Burdine
Let’s. Stop. Saying. It. And. Just. Do. It!!!!! The repeated posts are aggravating! Y’all take care of your people and each other! Just damn do it for crying out loud. Life is hard. This job is hard. Stop talking and take action!
Posted 2 years 6 months ago