Reply: How is the rental assistance going for you all?

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We did not participate because we didn't like the fine print. I'm never going to agree to exempt a resident from complying with the rest of the lease because they got rental assistance, and that's exactly what you sign if you agree to participate (material health & safety are excepted, but that's not good enough for me - noise and other rules are there for a reason). We also didn't like that you have to agree to extend the lease for a certain period, agree not to charge late fees, give permission for federal representatives to look at ALL of your records (not just those regarding recipients), and attest that the resident has not received any other assistance (how would I know that for sure to be able to sign my name to it?). We're happy that help is out there for residents who need it, but our lease is our lease - we'll never agree to anything that modifies it.
We did have residents qualify and receive funds themselves, as it should be. If they don't use the money to pay rent, that's fraud, I can still evict them as I haven't agreed otherwise, and their problems with the aforementioned fraud aren't in any way my problem (as opposed to being stuck in the middle if we were receiving the funds directly). I'm really pretty shocked to read this thread and see how many participated when the residents could get the assistance themselves without the landlord having to encumber their lease.
Posted 2 years 5 months ago
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Mike Smith
GA has been an absolute disaster. Only a couple of counties are administering funds, and if you have a property outside of those counties you have no way of applying for funds. Then they have money going to the residents, who then continue to not pay any of the rent owed and the courts are so back-logged we can't do anything about it.
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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Melissa Ann Hickson
We don’t participate in any of the programs so we are good! Good luck!
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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Celena Montantes - Mayo
My community has received over $330k and still counting as well. I am in Fulton County, GA and have a 600+ unit community. I noticed that some do get paid faster than others. I had residents receive who weren't even behind. I have not heard of any situations where the resident received the money though. That is strange because I thought all the federal assistance money was to go directly to landlord.
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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Nancy Alex
We have collected over 125k and still counting. There is an option for the money to go to the resident but who does that! We send a w-9 for each applicant. Some take months and months some just about 2 months. Recerts only a few weeks. I still have about a dozen in process. No word that money is running out in Michigan. People who don't seem to need it our applying for it though . SMH
Posted 2 years 6 months ago
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Jessica Gonzalez
Houston - we are only working with one program that deposits directly into the properties account. Because the other programs do what we dont want them to do .... give the resident the check .

We also are accepting payments for those who are really in the need for the assistance through local agencies where we are required to pick up the checks. Luckily too these agencies are a hop skip and away from the properties
Posted 2 years 6 months ago